Test post to be shared on Mastodon.
Time to see this blog active again. Just getting set up again for now.
lftp says “DH GEX group out of range”
I use lftp in a launchctl script to transfer and delete files from an Axway/Tumbleweed secure server, but after upgrading to macos Sierra, the connection failed (and looped forever retrying) with a brief flash of a “DH GEX group out of range” message. Searching for the message reveals that it’s an ssh issue (DH is diffie-hellman): Apple…
MacOS Sierra, Apache, and Postgres
I upgraded my office workstation from El Capitan to Sierra last week after waiting a while to make sure there were no problems with the new version of the operating system: my office workstation is used for some campus-wide services, and I go into panic mode when upgrades break things. So after a decent interval…
Promise Fulfilled
Yea! DreamHost’s upgrade to WP 4.6 was automatic and uneventful.
Notes mostly to myself. Migrating from a Drupal site because keeping Drupal up to date was a bother. DreamHost will update WordPress automatically. At least the minor ones.