Approved Queens College General Education Courses

These are all the courses that have been approved for GenEd at Queens College and are currently active in CUNYfirst (able to be offered).

The Scheduled GenEd Courses page tells which of these courses have actually been offered recently, are currently being offered, or scheduled to be offered in the near future.

This list was last updated May 17, 2024

Writing Intensive courses have WRIC in the fourth column; College Option courses have QNSLIT (Literature), QNSLANG (Language), QNSSCI (Science), or QNSSYN (“Synthesis,” but normally called “Additional.”)

STEM Variant courses are courses which exceed the Pathways limit of 3 credits, but which can be used to satisfy a requirement for a major. Some STEM Variants can be used to satisfy the MQR requirement, others can be used for LPS or SW, as indicated in the fourth column. STEM Variants that have LPS in the fourth column can be used for SW instead if that is to the student’s advantage.

The CUNY English Composition (EC) requirement is for two courses. At Queens, the first course is College Writing I (ENGL 110), and the second course is any one of several College Writing II courses (CW2).

You can download this table as a spreadsheet.

CourseTitlePathways AreaWriting Intensive / College OptionSTEM Variant?
ACCT 261Business Law IIS
ACCT 362WBusiness Law IiWRIC
ACCT 393WSeminar In AccountingWRIC
ACE 5WGreat Works Of LiteratureQNSLIT, WRIC
AFST 100Intro To Africana StudiesUSED
AFST 101Survey Of African Civilization IWCGI
AFST 201WIntroduction To Black CulturesWRIC
AFST 203Africa In The WorldWCGI
AFST 232WCaribbean LiteratureWRIC
AFST 234WBlack Women WritersWRIC
AFST 300WSeminar In Africana StudiesWRIC
AMST 110WIntroduction To American Society And CultureUSEDWRIC
AMST 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
AMST 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
AMST 300WSelected Topics In American StudiesWRIC
ANTH 101Introduction To Cultural AnthropologyWCGI
ANTH 102Introduction To Human EvolutionSWQNSSCI
ANTH 103Introduction To ArchaeologySWQNSSCI
ANTH 104Language, Culture, And SocietyISQNSLANG, QNSLANG
ANTH 108Introduction To LanguageQNSLANG, QNSLANG
ANTH 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
ANTH 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
ANTH 208WPeoples Of South AsiaWRIC
ANTH 212Peoples Of The Middle EastWRIC
ANTH 215WPeoples Of The CaribbeanWRIC
ANTH 239WTopics In Cultural AnthropologyWRIC
ANTH 242WArchaeology Of EuropeWRIC
ANTH 246WArchaeology Of The Near EastWRIC
ANTH 276WHuman Growth And DevelopmentWRIC
ANTH 290WTopics In AnthropologyWRIC
ANTH 361WHuman VariationWRIC
ANTH 375The Human-Primate InterfaceQNSSYN
ANTH 388Voices Of New YorkQNSSYN, QNSSYN
ARAB 101Elementary Arabic IQNSLANG
ARAB 102Elementary Arabic IiQNSLANG
ARAB 203Intermediate Arabic IQNSLANG
ARAB 204Intermediate Arabic IiQNSLANG
ARAB 305Advanced Arabic IQNSLANG
ARAB 306Advanced Arabic IiQNSLANG
ARAM 205Aramaic For Readers Of HebrewQNSLANG
ARTH 1Introduction To ArtCE
ARTH 102History Of Western Art IiCE
ARTH 110Survey Of Ancient ArtCE
ARTH 113Survey Of Modern ArtCE
ARTH 114Survey Of Asian ArtCE
ARTH 220Renaissance Art And The Birth Of ModernityCE
ARTH 254WTwentieth-Century ArtWRIC
ARTH 256Contemporary Art PracticesCE
ARTH 258History Of PhotographyCE
ARTH 3201WInternship In Art HistoryWRIC
ARTH 3202WInternship In Art HistoryWRIC
ARTH 3203WInternship In Art HistoryWRIC
ARTH 3204WInternship In Art HistoryWRIC
ARTS 333Introduction To Socially Engaged Art PracticeCE
ARTS 388Becoming InsectCE
ASL 111American Sign Language IQNSLANG
ASTR 1General AstronomySWQNSSCI
ASTR 2General Astronomy With LaboratoryLPSQNSSCIY
ASTR 3Introductory Astronomy With LaboratoryLPSQNSSCI
BALA 101Business And SocietyIS
BALA 103WCritical Thinking In BusinessWRIC
BALA 201WBusiness CommunicationsWRIC
BALA 302Law And Ethics Of BusinessWRIC
BIOL 11Introduction To College BiologyLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 13Writing In The Sciences- Life Science ThemesEC (CW2)
BIOL 14Introduction To Biology And SocietyLPSQNSSCI
BIOL 22Introduction To Human PhysiologyQNSSCI
BIOL 24Biology And SocietyQNSSCI
BIOL 25Biological EvolutionSWQNSSCI
BIOL 34Genomics Research Experience IQNSSCI
BIOL 35Genomics Research Experience IiQNSSCI
BIOL 40Anatomy And Physiology ILPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 41Anatomy And Physiology IiLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 43Anatomy & PhysiologyLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 44Food And Human MicrobiologyLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 105General Biology: Physiology And Cell BiologyLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 106General Biology: Life-Forms And EcosystemsLPSQNSSCIY
BIOL 345WAnimal BehaviorWRIC
BIOL 352Anthropological GenomicsQNSSYN, QNSSYN
BUS 160WAn Introduction To Business WritingWRIC
BUS 341WIntermediate FinanceWRIC
BUS 383WSeminar In Selected Studies In BusinessWRIC
BUS 3911WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
BUS 3912WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
BUS 3913WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
BUS 392WHonors SeminarWRIC
CHEM 1013Basic ChemistryLPSQNSSCI
CHEM 1021Basic Organic Chemistry LaboratoryQNSSCI
CHEM 1023Basic Organic ChemistryLPSQNSSCI
CHEM 1031Basic Biochemistry LaboratoryQNSSCI
CHEM 1033Basic BiochemistryLPSQNSSCI
CHEM 1134General Chemistry ILPSQNSSCIY
CHEM 1144General Chemistry IiLPSQNSSCIY
CHEM 163Chemistry In Modern SocietySWQNSSCI
CHEM 2511Organic Chemistry Laboratory IQNSSCI
CHEM 2514Organic Chemistry ILPSQNSSCIY
CHEM 3311Physical Inorganic Chemistry LaboratoryWRIC
CHEM 395WSenior ThesisWRIC
CHIN 101Elementary Chinese IQNSLANG
CHIN 102Elementary Chinese IiQNSLANG
CHIN 203Intermediate Chinese IQNSLANG
CHIN 204Intermediate Chinese IiQNSLANG
CHIN 210Business Chinese IQNSLANG
CHIN 211Business Chinese IiQNSLANG
CHIN 250Introduction To Classical Chinese IQNSLANG
CHIN 251Introduction To Classical Chinese IiQNSLANG
CHIN 311Advanced Modern ChineseQNSLANG
CHIN 312Advanced Classical ChineseQNSLANG
CHIN 314Chinese Grammar, Rhetoric, And CompositionQNSLANG
CHIN 315Writing Modern ChineseQNSLANG
CHIN 317Introduction To Formal Chinese LinguisticsQNSLANG
CHIN 318Introduction To Applied Chinese LinguisticsQNSLANG
CHIN 320Chinese DramaQNSLANG
CHIN 330The Chinese EssayQNSLANG
CHIN 340Readings From Chinese HistoryQNSLANG
CHIN 350Vt: Chinese FictionQNSLANG
CHIN 358The Working Of The Chinese MediaQNSLANG
CHIN 360Traditional Chinese LiteratureQNSLANG
CHIN 370Chinese Short StoryQNSLANG
CLAS 11Scientific And Medical TerminologyQNSLANG
CLAS 150Greek And Latin Classics In TranslationQNSLIT
CLAS 250HAncient Epic And TragedyWRIC
CLAS 250WAncient Epic And TragedyWRIC
CLAS 3001WTopics In Classical StudiesWRIC
CLAS 3002WTopics In Classical StudiesWRIC
CLAS 3003WTopics In Classical StudiesWRIC
CLAS 3004WTopics In Classical StudiesWRIC
CMAL 101WCultural Studies: The Short PoemWRIC
CMAL 102WCultural Studies: Experiences Of Imperial, Colonial & Post-Colonial LifeWRIC
CMAL 220WCreation StoriesWRIC
CMLIT 100Writing About World LiteratureEC (CW2)
CMLIT 101HGlobal Literatures IWCGIQNSLIT, WRIC
CMLIT 101WGlobal Literatures IWCGIQNSLIT, WRIC
CMLIT 102Great Books IiQNSLIT
CMLIT 102WGlobal Literatures IiQNSLIT, WRIC
CMLIT 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
CMLIT 205Modern PoetryCE
CMLIT 206Literature And ConflictWCGI
CMLIT 208Literature And Society In North Africa And The Middle EastWCGI
CMLIT 210The Early Modern Atlantic WorldWCGI
CMLIT 215Topics In Modern LiteratureCE
CMLIT 215WTopics In Modern LiteratureCEWRIC
CMLIT 220WEast Literature 1WRIC
CMLIT 221WEast Asian Literature IiWRIC
CMLIT 225Literature And AnthropologyWCGI
CMLIT 229Women In Modern World LiteratureWCGI
CMLIT 229WWomen In Modern World LiteratureWCGIWRIC
CMLIT 230African LiteraturesWCGI
CMLIT 231African Literatures In A World ContextWCGI
CMLIT 242Francophone Literature In A World ContextWCGI
CMLIT 334WMythology And Heroic LiteratureWRIC
CMLIT 381WAdvanced SeminarsWRIC
CMLIT 382WAdvanced SeminarsWRIC
CMLIT 383WAdvanced SeminarsWRIC
CMLIT 384WAdvanced SeminarsWRIC
CSCI 12Introduction To Computers And ComputationMQR
CSCI 48Spreadsheet ProgrammingMQR
CSCI 100Information And IntelligenceSWQNSSCI
CSCI 111Introduction To Algorithmic Problem SolvingSW
CSCI 112Introduction To Algorithmic Problem Solving In JavaMQR
CSCI 211Object-Oriented Programming In C++MQR
CSCI 212Object-Oriented Programming In JavaMQR
DANCE 150Introduction To DanceCE
DANCE 151Dance And Culture: Dancing ValuesWCGI
DANCE 350WTime And The Dancing Image In The U.S. IWRIC
DANCE 351WTime And The Dancing Image In The U.S. IiWRIC
DANCE 381Collaborative Workshop In Dance And TheatreQNSSYN, QNSSYN
DATA 205Introductory AnalyticsMQRY
DATA 212WResearch MethodsSWQNSSCI, WRICY
DATA 235Data And SocietySWQNSSCI
DRAM 1Introduction To Drama And TheatreWCGI
DRAM 100Introduction To ActingCE
DRAM 111Introduction To Theater DesignCE
DRAM 130Writing About PerformanceEC (CW2)
DRAM 302Dramatizing ScienceQNSSYN
DRAM 344WPlaywriting WorkshopWRIC
DRAM 381Collaborative Workshop In Dance And TheatreQNSSYN, QNSSYN
EAST 130WEast Asian ReligionWRIC
EAST 132Civilization Of KoreaWCGI
EAST 152Korean Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
EAST 250Modern Chinese Fiction In TranslationQNSLIT
EAST 251Modern Japanese Fiction In TranslationQNSLIT
EAST 252Korean Women’S WritingsQNSLIT
EAST 255WThe Tale Of Genji And Early Japanese Women'S WritingWRIC
ECON 100Economics And SocietyIS
ECON 101Introduction To MacroeconomicsIS
ECON 102Introduction To MicroeconomicsIS
ECON 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
ECON 135WEconomics Writing WorkshopWRIC
ECON 219WEconomics Of Class, Race, And SexWRIC
ECON 223WThe Development Of The American Economy To 1914WRIC
ECON 228WThe Economics Of The EnvironmentWRIC
ECON 230WWomen'S Issues In EconomicsWRIC
ECON 383WSeminar In Selected Studies In EconomicsWRIC
ECON 390WResearch Methods In EconomicsWRIC
ECON 3911WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
ECON 3912WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
ECON 3913WSpecial ProblemsWRIC
ECON 392WHonors SeminarWRIC
EDUCN 105Education In Global Times: Radical To Conservative AgendasWCGI
EECE 201WSchooling In Diverse CommunitiesWRIC
EECE 310WChildren In Cultural Contexts I: Child DevelopmentWRIC
ENGL 110College Writing IEC
ENGL 110HCollege Writing IEC
ENGL 110MEnglish 110 ExemptEC
ENGL 130Writing About Literature In EnglishEC (CW2)
ENGL 130HWriting About Literature In EnglishEC (CW2)
ENGL 151Readings In British LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 151WReadings In British LiteratureQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 152Readings In American LiteratureUSEDQNSLIT
ENGL 152WReadings In American LiteratureUSEDQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 153Introduction To The BibleCE
ENGL 153WIntroduction To The BibleCEWRIC
ENGL 154WReadings In FictionWRIC
ENGL 155WReadings In DramaWRIC
ENGL 156WIntroduction To ShakespeareWRIC
ENGL 157Readings In Global Literatures In EnglishWCGIQNSLIT
ENGL 157WReadings In Global Literatures In EnglishWCGIQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 161Introduction To NarrativeQNSLIT
ENGL 161WIntroduction To NarrativeQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 162Literature And PlaceQNSLIT
ENGL 162WLiterature And PlaceQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 165Introduction To PoetryCEQNSLIT
ENGL 165HIntroduction To PoetryCEQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 165WIntroduction To PoetryCEQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 170HIntro Literary StudyWRIC
ENGL 170WIntroduction To Literary StudyWRIC
ENGL 200WWriting About WritingWRIC
ENGL 201WVt: Writing For Special FieldsWRIC
ENGL 203WWriting Science And Technology For The PublicWRIC
ENGL 204WWriting From The FieldWRIC
ENGL 205WMethods For Writing ResearchWRIC
ENGL 210WIntroduction To Creative WritingWRIC
ENGL 211WIntroduction To Writing NonfictionWRIC
ENGL 251British Literature Survey IQNSLIT
ENGL 252British Literature Survey IiQNSLIT
ENGL 253American Literature Survey IQNSLIT
ENGL 254American Literature Survey IiQNSLIT
ENGL 255Global Literatures In EnglishQNSLIT
ENGL 301WFiction WorkshopWRIC
ENGL 303WNon-Fiction WorkshopWRIC
ENGL 305WVt: Studies In Literature And CultureWRIC
ENGL 311Medieval Literature, Pre-1100QNSLIT
ENGL 312Medieval Literature, 1100-1500QNSLIT
ENGL 313The Arthurian TraditionQNSLIT
ENGL 320Early Modern LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 321Seventeenth-Century LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 322Restoration And Eighteenth-Century LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 327WEnvironmental LiteratureWRIC
ENGL 332Shakespeare IQNSLIT
ENGL 333Shakespeare IiQNSLIT
ENGL 340Medieval And Early Modern DramaQNSLIT
ENGL 344The Eighteenth-Century NovelQNSLIT
ENGL 349Colonial American LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 350Early American LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 351Nineteenth-Century U.S. LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 352Late-Nineteenth- And Early-Twentieth-Century U.S. LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 354African American Literature IQNSLIT
ENGL 355African American Literature IiQNSLIT
ENGL 356Native American And Indigenous LiteraturesQNSLIT
ENGL 359Regionalism, Realism, And Naturalism In American LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 360Vt: Latina, Latino, And Latinx Literature.QNSLIT
ENGL 363Vt: Global Literatures In EnglishQNSLIT
ENGL 364Vt: African Literature And CultureQNSLIT
ENGL 366Introduction To Irish LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 367Modern Irish LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 368WVt: Irish LiteratureQNSLIT, WRIC
ENGL 369Asian American LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 377Vt: Modern South Asian LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 378Vt: Caribbean LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 379Vt: Transnational Post-Colonial Global LiteratureQNSLIT
ENGL 391WSenior Seminar: Topics In LiteratureWRIC
ENGL 397WVt: Seminar In Teaching WritingWRIC
ENGL 399WDepartment Honors SeminarWRIC
ENSCI 99A Practical Guide To Environmental ChoicesLPSQNSSCIY
ENSCI 100Our Planet In The 21St Century: Challenges To HumanityLPSQNSSCIY
ENSCI 112Our Changing PlanetSWQNSSCI
ENSCI 373WEnvironmental Problem SolvingWRIC
EURO 101WEuropean Cultures And TraditionsWRIC
EURO 120Writing About European Literature And CultureEC (CW2)
EURO 201WVt: The Arts In EuropeWRIC
EURO 202WVt: Languages Of EuropeWRIC
EURO 203WVt: European LiteraturesWRIC
EURO 250WEuropean Film And MediaWRIC
EURO 301WVt: Topics In European StudiesWRIC
FASH 158Fashion History In The West From The 20Th Century To The PresentIS
FNES 101The Science Of FoodsLPSQNSSCI
FNES 147Family RelationsIS
FNES 161WIntroduction To The Teaching Of Physical EducationWRIC
FNES 163General NutritionSWQNSSCI
FNES 228WIndividual And Family Clothing ProblemsWRIC
FNES 250WResearch Methods In Human Development And Family ScienceWRIC
FNES 307WExperimental Food ScienceWRIC
FREN 41French And Francophone Literatures In TranslationQNSLIT
FREN 41WFrench And Francophoneliteratures In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
FREN 45French And Francophone Cultures And ThoughtWCGI
FREN 45WFrench And Francophone Cultures And ThoughtWCGIWRIC
FREN 111Elementary French IQNSLANG
FREN 112Elementary French IiQNSLANG
FREN 203Intermediate French IWCGIQNSLANG
FREN 204French Composition And Grammar IWCGIQNSLANG
FREN 205Introduction To Literary AnalysisWCGIQNSLANG, QNSLIT
FREN 206Introduction To French LiteratureQNSLANG
FREN 223Advanced Conversation And PhoneticsWCGIQNSLANG
FREN 224Advanced French GrammarQNSLANG
FREN 225French Composition And Grammar IiQNSLANG
FREN 228Advanced Literary AnalysisQNSLANG
FREN 231Skills And Art Of TranslationQNSLANG
FREN 235Business FrenchQNSLANG
FREN 250WFrench And Francophone Film And MediaWRIC
FREN 320Topics In Early French LiteratureQNSLANG
FREN 340Topics In Seventeenth Century French LiteratureQNSLANG
FREN 345Topics In Eighteenth Century French LiteratureQNSLANG
FREN 350French Novel Of The Nineteenth CenturyQNSLANG
FREN 360French And Francophone Novel Since 1900QNSLANG
FREN 363French Poetry Of The Nineteenth CenturyQNSLANG
FREN 367Topics In French And Francophone Literature Since 1900QNSLANG
FREN 370Topics In Francophone LiteratureWCGIQNSLANG, QNSLIT
FREN 375Contemporary French Literary TheoryQNSLANG
FREN 380Women'S Writing In FrenchQNSLANG
FREN 385Vt: SeminarQNSLANG
GEOL 8Introduction To OceanographyQNSSCI
GEOL 9Environmental IssuesSWQNSSCI
GEOL 11Survey Of Atmospheric ScienceQNSSCI
GEOL 12Natural DisastersSWQNSSCI
GEOL 16Earthquakes, Volcanoes, And Moving ContinentsSWQNSSCI
GEOL 25Natural Resources And The EnvironmentSWQNSSCI
GEOL 64Planetary GeologyQNSSCI
GEOL 77Weather, Climate, And Climate ChangeSWQNSSCI
GEOL 78Climate Change: What It Means To Us And What You Can Do About ItSW
GEOL 99Planet Earth: Resources And (Hazards) For The 21St CenturyLPSQNSSCIY
GEOL 101Physical GeologyLPSQNSSCIY
GEOL 102Historical GeologyLPSQNSSCIY
GEOL 313WStratigraphy & Interpreting PaleoenvironmentsWRIC
GEOL 328WVolcanoes And ClimateWRIC
GERM 41German Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
GERM 41WGerman Literature In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
GERM 45WGerman Cultures And ThoughtWRIC
GERM 109Intensive German I-IiQNSLANG
GERM 110Intensive German Iii-IvQNSLANG
GERM 111Elementary German IQNSLANG
GERM 112Elementary German IiQNSLANG
GERM 203Intermediate German IQNSLANG
GERM 204Intermediate German IiWCGIQNSLANG
GERM 223Conversation Level IWCGIQNSLANG
GERM 224Advanced Grammar And Stylistics, Level IiQNSLANG
GERM 228Advanced Conversation And Composition, Level IiQNSLANG
GERM 235German For Business And IndustryQNSLANG
GERM 236German Media Of TodayQNSLANG
GERM 250WGerman Film And MediaWRIC
GERM 321Early German LiteratureQNSLANG
GERM 324German EnlightenmentQNSLANG
GERM 325The Age Of GoetheQNSLANG
GERM 326RomanticismQNSLANG
GERM 331The German Theatre: From Lessing To Heiner MullerQNSLANG
GERM 333German NovelsQNSLANG
GERM 335German PoetryQNSLANG
GERM 350German Literature In The Industrial Age: From Buchner To FontaneQNSLANG
GERM 360German Literature And Modernity: From Wedekind To The PresentQNSLANG
GREEK 251Elementary Ancient Greek IQNSLANG
GREEK 252Elementary Ancient Greek IiQNSLANG
GRKMD 41WModern Greek Literature In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
GRKMD 100WModern Greek Culture And ThoughtWRIC
GRKMD 111Elementary Modern Greek IQNSLANG
GRKMD 112Elementary Modern Greek IiQNSLANG
GRKMD 203Intermediate Modern Greek IWCGIQNSLANG
GRKMD 204Intermediate Modern Greek IiWCGIQNSLANG
GRKMD 223Modern Greek ConversationWCGIQNSLANG
GRKMD 228Advanced Grammar And CompositionQNSLANG
GRKMD 231Modern Greek TranslationQNSLANG
GRKMD 250Modern Greek Film And MediaCE
GRKMD 305Modern Greek Literature IQNSLANG
GRKMD 306Modern Greek Literature IiQNSLANG
GRKMD 321Survey Of Modern Greek Literature I: Eighteenth Century To 1880QNSLANG
GRKMD 322Survey Of Modern Greek Literature Ii: 1880 To 1930QNSLANG
GRKMD 323Survey Of Modern Greek Literature Iii: 1930 To PresentQNSLANG
GRKMD 330Early Modern Greek Literature: Fourteenth To Seventeenth CenturyQNSLANG
GRKMD 335Studies In Modern Greek LiteratureQNSLIT
HEBRW 101Elementary Hebrew IQNSLANG
HEBRW 102Elementary Hebrew IiQNSLANG
HEBRW 150Modern Hebrew Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
HEBRW 190Culture, Art, And Literature In IsraelWCGIQNSLIT
HEBRW 203Intermediate Hebrew IQNSLANG
HEBRW 204Intermediate Hebrew IiQNSLANG
HEBRW 305Advanced Modern HebrewQNSLANG
HEBRW 307Classical HebrewQNSLANG
HEBRW 311Hebrew ConversationQNSLANG
HEBRW 315Hebrew Writing Workshop: Free Writing, Poetry, And ProseQNSLANG
HEBRW 317Skills And Art Of TranslationQNSLANG
HEBRW 321Readings From The TorahQNSLANG
HEBRW 350WBiblical Narrative And Poetry In TranslationWRIC
HEBRW 352Modern Hebrew Literature:1880-1947QNSLANG
HEBRW 356Modern Hebrew Literature: 1948 To The Present DayQNSLANG
HEBRW 358The Modern Hebrew MediaQNSLANG
HEBRW 361History Of The Hebrew LanguageQNSLANG
HEBRW 362Hebrew Root StudiesQNSLANG
HIST 101Early Modern Europe, 1500-1815WCGI
HIST 101WEarly Modern Europe 1500-1815WCGIWRIC
HIST 102Modern Europe, 1815 To The PresentWCGI
HIST 102HModern Europe, 1815 To The PresentWCGIWRIC
HIST 102WModern Europe, 1815 To The PresentWCGIWRIC
HIST 103American History, 1607-1865USED
HIST 103WAmerican History, 1607-1865USEDWRIC
HIST 104American History, 1865 To The PresentUSED
HIST 104WAmerican History, 1865 To The PresentUSEDWRIC
HIST 105WHistory Of Latin America To 1825WRIC
HIST 106WHistory Of Latin America, 1825 To The PresentWRIC
HIST 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
HIST 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
HIST 160Vt: Topics In Global HistoryWCGI
HIST 163Vt: Topics In U.S. HistoryUSED
HIST 163HVt: Topics In U.S. HistoryUSEDWRIC
HIST 164HVt: Social And Cultural History: EuropeWRIC
HIST 166Vt: History And MemoryIS
HIST 190Writing And HistoryEC (CW2)
HIST 200WVt: Selected Studies In HistoryWRIC
HIST 216WThe Old Regime: European Society And StatesWRIC
HIST 217WThe French RevolutionWRIC
HIST 229Politics And Religion In Early Modern England And IrelandQNSLIT
HIST 255Vt: Transformational Moments In The Arab/Israeli ConflictIS
HIST 265WThe United States, 1920-1945: Prosperity And Depression, New Deal, And World War IiWRIC
HIST 266WContemporary America: 1945 To The PresentWRIC
HIST 271WHistory Of Women In The United States, 1880 To The PresentWRIC
HIST 276WThe Immigrant In American HistoryWRIC
HIST 280WFilm Aesthetics And HistoryWRIC
HIST 311Jewish Society In Islamic Lands, 632-1517WCGI
HIST 370WVt: Film And HistoryWRIC
HIST 391WVt: History And LiteratureWRIC
HIST 392WColloquiumWRIC
HIST 395WResearch And Writing TutorialWRIC
HNRS 125The Arts In New York CityCE
HNRS 126WThe Peopling Of New YorkUSEDWRIC
HNRS 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
HNRS 225Science And Technology In New York CitySWQNSSCI
HNRS 226Shaping The Future Of New York CityIS
HNRS 350WSenior ThesisWRIC
HON 350WSr ThesisWRIC
HSS 200Social Sciences And SocietyIS
HTH 102Freshman Humanities ColloquiumQNSLIT
HTH 210HAncient WorldsWRIC
HTH 220HThe Middle AgesWRIC
HTH 230HThe Early Modern WorldWRIC
IRST 101Elementary Irish IQNSLANG
IRST 102Elementary Irish IiQNSLANG
ITAL 41Italian Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
ITAL 41WItalian Literature In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
ITAL 45Italian Culture And ThoughtWCGI
ITAL 45WItalian Culture And ThoughtWCGIWRIC
ITAL 111Elementary Italian IQNSLANG
ITAL 112Elementary Italian IiQNSLANG
ITAL 203Intermediate Italian IWCGIQNSLANG
ITAL 204Intermediate Italian IiWCGIQNSLANG
ITAL 223Advanced ConversationQNSLANG
ITAL 224Advanced GrammarQNSLANG
ITAL 228Advanced Composition (Dissertation And Explication Of Texts)QNSLANG
ITAL 231Skills And Art Of Translation IQNSLANG
ITAL 232Skills And Art Of Translation IiQNSLANG
ITAL 235Commercial And Technical ItalianQNSLANG
ITAL 250WItalian Film And MediaWRIC
ITAL 329Textual AnalysisQNSLANG
ITAL 336The Italian LanguageQNSLANG
ITAL 345Studies In Medieval Literature I: DanteQNSLANG
ITAL 346Studies In Medieval Literature Ii: PoetryQNSLANG
ITAL 347Studies In Medieval Literature Iii: ProseQNSLANG
ITAL 355Studies In Renaissance Literature I: TheatreQNSLANG
ITAL 356Studies In Renaissance Literature Ii: PoetryQNSLANG
ITAL 357Studies In Renaissance Literature Iii: ProseQNSLANG
ITAL 361Studies In Modern Literature I: TheatreQNSLANG
ITAL 362Studies In Modern Literature Ii: PoetryQNSLANG
ITAL 364Studies In Modern Literature Iii: ProseQNSLANG
JOURN 100Beat The Press: Questioning The MediaIS
JOURN 101WIntroduction To News ReportingWRIC
JOURN 200WReporting From The FieldWRIC
JPNS 101Elementary Japanese IQNSLANG
JPNS 102Elementary Japanese IiQNSLANG
JPNS 203Intermediate Japanese IQNSLANG
JPNS 204Intermediate Japanese IiQNSLANG
JPNS 211Classical Japanese IQNSLANG
JPNS 212Classical Japanese IiQNSLANG
JPNS 305Advanced Modern Japanese IQNSLANG
JPNS 306Advanced Modern Japanese IiQNSLANG
JPNS 311Advanced Texts IQNSLANG
JPNS 312Advanced Texts IiQNSLANG
KOR 101Elementary Korean IQNSLANG
KOR 102Elementary Korean IiQNSLANG
KOR 203Intermediate Korean IQNSLANG
KOR 204Intermediate Korean IiQNSLANG
KOR 305Advanced Korean IWCGIQNSLANG
KOR 306Advanced Korean IiWCGIQNSLANG
KOR 360Readings In KoreanQNSLANG
KOR 370Advanced Korean Through FilmQNSLANG
LABST 101WIntroduction To Labor StudiesWRIC
LAE 499WLiberal Arts Elective Writing IntensiveWRIC
LALS 203Introduction To Latinx Ethnic IdentityUSED
LALS 381WLatin American SeminarWRIC
LANG 2003Vt: Language TutorialQNSLANG
LANG 2004Vt: Language TutorialQNSLANG
LATIN 101Elementary LatinQNSLANG
LATIN 102Intermediate LatinQNSLANG
LATIN 204Roman PoetryQNSLANG
LATIN 315Latin Prose Composition IQNSLANG
LCD 101Introduction To LanguageQNSLANG, QNSLANG
LCD 102Analyzing LanguageSWQNSLANG, QNSSCI
LCD 103Multilingualism In The United StatesUSED
LCD 104Language, Culture, And SocietyISQNSLANG, QNSLANG
LCD 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
LCD 135WLinguistics & Communication Disorders Writing WorkshopWRIC
LCD 206WBilingualismWRIC
LCD 244WLanguage And Social DiversityWRIC
LCD 388Voices Of New YorkQNSSYN, QNSSYN
LIBR 170Writing And Library Research MethodsEC (CW2)
MATH 110Mathematical Literacy - An Introduction To College MathematicsMQR
MATH 114Elementary Probability And StatisticsMQR
MATH 114WElementary Probability And StatisticsMQRWRICY
MATH 115College Algebra For PrecalculusMQR
MATH 119Mathematics For Elementary School TeachersMQR
MATH 120Discrete Mathematics For Computer ScienceMQR
MATH 122PrecalculusMQRY
MATH 128Mathematical DesignMQR
MATH 131Calculus With Applications To The Social Sciences IMQR
MATH 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
MATH 141Calculus/DifferentiationMQR
MATH 142Calculus/IntegrationMQR
MATH 143Calculus-Infinite SeriesMQR
MATH 151Calculus/Differentiation & IntegrationMQRY
MATH 152Calculus/Integration And Infinite SeriesMQRY
MATH 157Honors Calculus IMQRY
MATH 158Honors Calculus IiMQRY
MATH 201Multivariable CalculusMQRY
MATH 202Advanced CalculusMQRY
MATH 231Linear Algebra IMQRY
MATH 241Introduction To Probability And Mathematical StatisticsMQR
MATH 385WMathematical Foundations Of The Secondary School CurriculumWRIC
MEDST 201WMedia CriticismWRIC
MEDST 223Media WritingWRIC
MEDST 320WGender, Sexuality, And MediaWRIC
MEDST 321WNews AnalysisWRIC
MEDST 322WYouth Culture And MediaWRIC
MEDST 325WRadical Critiques Of Mass CommunicationWRIC
MEDST 326WMedia And ActivismWRIC
MEDST 330WThe Music IndustryWRIC
MEDST 341WTheory Of FilmWRIC
MEDST 342WSpecial Topics In GenreWRIC
MEDST 343WNonfiction FormsWRIC
MEDST 344WVt: Special Topics In National CinemasWRIC
MEDST 345WGreat DirectorsWRIC
MEDST 346WAfrican Americans In American Film And TelevisionWRIC
MEDST 350WPropagandaWRIC
MEDST 352WDiscourse Of The Classical PeriodWRIC
MEDST 353WAmerican And British Discourse To 1900WRIC
MEDST 355WThe Aesthetics Of CommunicationWRIC
MEDST 357WMedia, Law, And EthicsWRIC
MEDST 359WInternational Telecommunications PolicyWRIC
MEDST 360WGlobal MediaWRIC
MEDST 362WSurveillanceWRIC
MEDST 364WAdvertising Consumption And CultureWRIC
MEDST 381WAdvanced Studies In MediaWRIC
MES 160Classical Islamic Literature And CivilizationQNSLIT
MES 170IslamWCGI
MES 245The 1001 Nights In World Literature And FilmQNSLIT
MES 250Literatures From The Islamic WorldISQNSLIT
MES 255WModern Arabic Literature Iin TranslationWRIC
MNSCI 113Contemporary Issues In The SciencesSWQNSSCI
MUSIC 1Introduction To MusicCE
MUSIC 8HVt:Stdies In MusicWRIC
MUSIC 121Writing About MusicEC (CW2)
MUSIC 122Writing Musical CultureEC (CW2)
MUSIC 246 Western Music History: Listening, Reading, And Analysis I.WCGI
MUSIC 246WMusic History I: Music From 1200 To 1750WCGIWRIC
MUSIC 247Western Music History: Listening, Reading, And Analysis Ii.IS
MUSIC 247WMusic History Ii: Music From 1750 To PresentISWRIC
MUSIC 268WThe School Choral ProgramWRIC
MUSIC 269WThe School Instrumental ProgramWRIC
MUSIC 301WTopics In MusicologyWRIC
MUSIC 302WTopics In Non-Western MusicWRIC
MUSIC 346WMusic History Iii: Music From 1800 To 1890WRIC
MUSIC 347HMusic History Iv: Music From 1890 To The PresentWRIC
MUSIC 347WMusic History Iv: Music From 1890 To The PresentWRIC
MUSIC 377Musical Form And AnalysisQNSSYN
MUSIC 377HMusical Form And AnalysisWRIC
PHIL 101Introduction To PhilosophyIS
PHIL 101WIntroduction To PhilosophyISWRIC
PHIL 104Introduction To EthicsIS
PHIL 104HIntroduction To EthicsISWRIC
PHIL 104WIntroduction To EthicsISWRIC
PHIL 116Introduction To Philosophy Of ReligionIS
PHIL 116WIntroduction To Philosophy Of ReligionISWRIC
PHIL 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
PHIL 225Philosophy Of The Natural SciencesSWQNSSCI
PHIL 270WMajor Philosophical ThinkersWRIC
PHIL 272WProblems In PhilosophyWRIC
PHIL 383WResearch PaperWRIC
PHYS 3Physics Of Musical SoundSWQNSSCI
PHYS 5Physics And The FutureSWQNSSCI
PHYS 8The Science Of Fractals And Its ApplicationsMQR
PHYS 11Conceptual Physics LaboratoryQNSSCI
PHYS 14Conceptual Physics LecLPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 103Physics For Computer Science ILPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 1211General Physics I LaboratoryQNSSCI
PHYS 1214General Physics ILPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 1221General Physics Ii LaboratoryQNSSCI
PHYS 1224General Physics IiLPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 1451Principles Of Physics I LaboratoryQNSSCI
PHYS 1454Principles Of Physics ILPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 1461Principles Of Physics Ii LaboratoryQNSSCI
PHYS 1464Principles Of Physics IiLPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 204Physics For Computer Science IiLPSQNSSCIY
PHYS 320WResearch And Writing In The SciencesWRIC
PHYS 395WSenior Research Project IWRIC
PHYS 396WSenior Research Project IiWRIC
PORT 41Global Portuguese Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
PORT 111Elementary Portuguese IQNSLANG
PORT 112Elementary Portuguese IiQNSLANG
PORT 203Intermediate Portuguese IWCGIQNSLANG
PORT 204Intermediate Portuguese IiQNSLANG
PSCI 100American Politics And GovernmentUSED
PSCI 100HAmerican Politics And GovernmentUSEDWRIC
PSCI 101Introduction To Political ScienceIS
PSCI 102Current Political ControversiesUSED
PSCI 102HPolitical ControversiesUSEDWRIC
PSCI 103Comparative PoliticsWCGI
PSCI 104International PoliticsWCGI
PSCI 105Political TheoryIS
PSCI 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
PSCI 210American State And Local GovernmentUSED
PSCI 234Contemporary EuropeWCGI
PSCI 241Politics Of Ethnic Cleansing And GenocideIS
PSCI 2924WInternship In Urban PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 2925WInternship In Urban PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 2929WInternship In Urban PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 2954WInternship In Law And AdvocacyWRIC
PSCI 2955WInternship In Law And AdvocacyWRIC
PSCI 2959WInternship In Law And AdvocacyWRIC
PSCI 2964WInternship In International PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 2965WInternship In International PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 2969WInternship In International PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 381WSeminar In American PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 382WSeminar In Law And PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 383WSeminar In Comparative PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 384WSeminar In International PoliticsWRIC
PSCI 386WSeminar In Political TheoryWRIC
PSCI 387WSeminar In Political Analysis And Research MethodsWRIC
PSYCH 101General PsychologySWQNSSCIY
PSYCH 103Pleasure And PainSWQNSSCI
PSYCH 107Statistical MethodsMQRY
PSYCH 1071Statistical Methods LaboratoryMQR
PSYCH 1073Statistical MethodsMQR
PSYCH 213WExperimental PsychologyLPSQNSSCI, WRICY
PSYCH 252Application Of Behavior Analysis In Animal TrainingLPSQNSSCI
QNS 101Queens CommunityQNSLIT
QNS 101WQueens CommunityQNSLIT, WRIC
RM 742WData Science Via Machine Learning And Statistical ModelingWRIC
RUSS 111Elementary Russian IQNSLANG
RUSS 112Elementary Russian IiQNSLANG
RUSS 150WRussian Culture And ThoughtWRIC
RUSS 155Keys To Russian LiteratureQNSLIT
RUSS 155WKeys To Russian LiteratureQNSLIT, WRIC
RUSS 175Russian Fairy TalesQNSLIT
RUSS 203Intermediate Russian IQNSLANG
RUSS 204Intermediate Russian IiQNSLANG
RUSS 2143Intermediate Russian ConversationQNSLANG
RUSS 215Advanced Intermediate Russian IQNSLANG
RUSS 225Advanced Intermediate Russian IiQNSLANG
RUSS 244WRussian And East European Film And MediaWRIC
RUSS 245Russian Short StoryQNSLIT
RUSS 280DostoevskyQNSLIT
RUSS 285The Russian Silver Age And Avant-GardeQNSLIT
SEYS 120Critical Social Theory, Action Research, And Multiple Literacies In Education For Social JusticeIS
SEYS 150Youth & SocietyIS
SEYS 201WHistorical, Social And Philosophical Foundations Of EducationWRIC
SEYS 363WMethods Of Teaching Social Studies In Middle And High SchoolWRIC
SEYS 381WCurriculum And Assessment In Teaching MathematicsWRIC
SOC 101General Introduction To SociologyIS
SOC 103Sociology Of American LifeUSED
SOC 135WWriting WorkshopWRIC
SOC 190Writing For SociologyEC (CW2)
SOC 206Introduction To Social StatisticsMQR
SOC 208Social ProblemsIS
SOC 211Ethnic And Racial RelationsUSED
SOC 212HSociological AnalysisQNSSCI, WRIC
SOC 215Sociology Of EducationIS
SOC 222Social Welfare As A Social InstitutionUSED
SOC 381WSenior SeminarsWRIC
SOC 382HVt: Senior SeminarWRIC
SOC 391HHonors-Indep StudyWRIC
SPAN 41Masterpieces Of Hispanic Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
SPAN 45WHispanic CivilizationWCGIWRIC
SPAN 51Hispanic-Jewish Literature In TranslationQNSLIT
SPAN 53Don Quixote In TranslationQNSLIT
SPAN 53HDon Quixote In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
SPAN 53WDon Quixote In TranslationQNSLIT, WRIC
SPAN 60Hispanic Literature And Culture In The United StatesQNSLIT
SPAN 111Elementary Spanish IQNSLANG
SPAN 112Elementary Spanish IiQNSLANG
SPAN 114Spanish For Heritage Speakers IQNSLANG
SPAN 115Spanish For Heritage Speakers IiQNSLANG
SPAN 201Spanish For Heritage Speakers IiiWCGIQNSLANG
SPAN 203Intermediate Spanish IWCGIQNSLANG
SPAN 204Intermediate Spanish IiWCGIQNSLANG
SPAN 215Spanish ConversationQNSLANG
SPAN 221Language Workshop For Spanish Heritage StudentsWCGIQNSLANG
SPAN 222Language Workshop For Non-Spanish Heritage StudentsWCGIQNSLANG
SPAN 240Introduction To Hispanic Literary StudiesQNSLANG
SPAN 250Survey Of Spanish Literature IQNSLANG
SPAN 260Survey Of Spanish Literature IiQNSLANG
SPAN 280Survey Of Spanish-American Literature IQNSLANG
SPAN 290Survey Of Spanish American Literature IiQNSLANG
SPAN 310The Culture And Civilization Of SpainQNSLANG
SPAN 312The Culture And Civilization Of Latin AmericaQNSLANG
SPAN 390Hispanic Literature SeminarQNSLANG
URBST 101Urban Issues: Poverty And AffluenceUSED
URBST 103Urban DiversityUSED
URBST 105Urban PoliticsUSED
URBST 113WUrban Subcultures And LifestylesWRIC
URBST 114Sex And The CityIS
URBST 120Writing In Urban StudiesEC (CW2)
URBST 134WWriting TutorialWRIC
URBST 135WUrban Studies Writing WorkshopWRIC
URBST 205WUrban Cultural DiversityWRIC
URBST 211WProtest Movements In FilmWRIC
URBST 220WVt: Studies Of Selected Urban Service InstitutionsWRIC
URBST 239WUrban Labor And Labor MovementsWRIC
URBST 245WThe Urban EconomyWRIC
URBST 254WUrban TransportWRIC
URBST 265WVt: Special Topics In Urban StudiesWRIC
URBST 310WCommunity OrganizationWRIC
URBST 320WVt: Special ProblemsWRIC
URBST 326Cities And DiasporasWCGI
URBST 330WContemporary Urban TheoryWRIC
URBST 340WThe Greek-American Community In New YorkWRIC
URBST 360WWriting Intensive Urban Research WorkshopWRIC
URBST 390WWriting-Intensive TutorialWRIC
URBST 3903WVt: TutorialWRIC
WGS 101Introduction To Women And Gender StudiesUSED
WGS 101WIntroduction To Women And Gender StudiesUSEDWRIC
WGS 104Introduction To Lgbtq StudiesIS
WGS 201WTheories Of FeminismWRIC
WGS 210WSelected Topics In Women And Gender StudiesWRIC
WGS 3901WTutorial In Women And Gender StudiesWRIC
WGS 3902WTutorial In Women And Gender StudiesWRIC
WGS 3903WTutorial In Women And Gender StudiesWRIC
YIDD 101Elementary Yiddish IQNSLANG
YIDD 102Elementary Yiddish IiQNSLANG
YIDD 203Intermediate Yiddish IQNSLANG
YIDD 204Intermediate Yiddish IiQNSLANG
YIDD 210Intermediate Conversational YiddishQNSLANG