Pathways Offerings for Fall 2021

CUNYfirst data as of 2022-08-24

English Composition (10 courses)

Note: English Composition requires two courses. At Queens the first course is always ENGL 110, College Writing I.
Any course other than College Writing I listed in this section may be used as the second English Composition course.

BIOL 13 Writing Sci - Life Sci Themes: 2 sections; 51 / 50 seats (102% filled)

CMLIT 100 Writing about World Literature: 3 sections; 55 / 60 seats (92% filled)

ENGL 110 College Writing I: 102 sections; 2,011 / 1,980 seats (102% filled)

ENGL 110H College Writing I: 5 sections; 100 / 100 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 130 Writing about Literature Eng: 20 sections; 436 / 500 seats (87% filled)

ENGL 130H Writing about Literature: 1 section; 24 / 24 seats (100% filled)

EURO 120 Writing European Lit & Culture: 4 sections; 91 / 100 seats (91% filled)

HIST 190 Writing and History: 5 sections; 124 / 125 seats (99% filled)

MUSIC 121 Writing about Music: 5 sections; 117 / 120 seats (98% filled)

MUSIC 122 Writing Musical Culture: 3 sections; 67 / 75 seats (89% filled)

Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (25 courses)

CSCI 112 Intro Algori Prob Solving Java: 2 sections; 36 / 60 seats (60% filled)

CSCI 12 Intro Computers & Computation: 4 sections; 162 / 220 seats (74% filled)

CSCI 211 Object-Oriented Program in C++: 12 sections; 612 / 660 seats (93% filled)

CSCI 212 Object-Oriented Prog in Java: 11 sections; 640 / 640 seats (100% filled)

CSCI 48 Spreadsheet Programming: 11 sections; 755 / 756 seats (100% filled)

DATA 205 Introductory Analytics: 13 sections; 341 / 430 seats (79% filled)

MATH 110 Math Literacy: 4 sections; 140 / 140 seats (100% filled)

MATH 114W Elementary Prob&Stat: 1 section; 29 / 30 seats (97% filled)

MATH 115 College Algebra for Precalc: 17 sections; 468 / 550 seats (85% filled)

MATH 119 Math for Elem School Teachers: 7 sections; 232 / 240 seats (97% filled)

MATH 120 Discrete Math Comp Sci: 9 sections; 294 / 300 seats (98% filled)

MATH 122 Precalculus: 20 sections; 648 / 620 seats (105% filled)

MATH 128 Mathematical Design: 1 section; 17 / 18 seats (94% filled)

MATH 131 Calculus with Applications I: 5 sections; 151 / 160 seats (94% filled)

MATH 141 Calculus/Differentiation: 18 sections; 563 / 565 seats (100% filled)

MATH 142 Calculus/Integration: 7 sections; 177 / 225 seats (79% filled)

MATH 143 Calculus-Infinite Series: 5 sections; 144 / 160 seats (90% filled)

MATH 151 Calc/Diff & Integtn: 7 sections; 204 / 220 seats (93% filled)

MATH 152 Calc/Integration & Infinite: 5 sections; 136 / 170 seats (80% filled)

MATH 201 Multivariable Calculus: 3 sections; 78 / 90 seats (87% filled)

MATH 202 Advanced Calculus: 2 sections; 47 / 60 seats (78% filled)

MATH 231 Linear Algebra I: 11 sections; 333 / 350 seats (95% filled)

MATH 241 Intro Prob & Math Stat: 11 sections; 328 / 340 seats (96% filled)

PSYCH 1071 Statistical Methods Laboratory: 26 sections; 635 / 625 seats (102% filled)

PSYCH 1073 Statistical Methods: 12 sections; 639 / 600 seats (106% filled)

Life and Physical Sciences (25 courses)

ASTR 2 General Astronomy with Lab: 2 sections; 47 / 48 seats (98% filled)

BIOL 105 Physiol & Cell Biol: 14 sections; 461 / 468 seats (99% filled)

BIOL 106 Life-Form&Ecosystems: 12 sections; 404 / 396 seats (102% filled)

BIOL 11 Intro to College Biology: 9 sections; 574 / 570 seats (101% filled)

BIOL 40 Anatomy and Physiology I: 10 sections; 462 / 462 seats (100% filled)

BIOL 41 Anatomy and Physiology II: 6 sections; 282 / 300 seats (94% filled)

BIOL 44 Food and Human Microbiology: 3 sections; 68 / 70 seats (97% filled)

CHEM 1013 Basic Chemistry: 3 sections; 191 / 195 seats (98% filled)

CHEM 1023 Basic Organic Chemistry: 2 sections; 110 / 120 seats (92% filled)

CHEM 1033 Basic Biochemistry: 1 section; 57 / 60 seats (95% filled)

CHEM 1134 General Chemistry I: 10 sections; 323 / 340 seats (95% filled)

CHEM 1144 General Chemistry II: 4 sections; 159 / 160 seats (99% filled)

CHEM 2514 Organic Chemistry I: 1 section; 128 / 150 seats (85% filled)

ENSCI 100 Our Planet In 21st Century: 9 sections; 252 / 252 seats (100% filled)

ENSCI 99 Guide to Environmental Choices: 12 sections; 352 / 360 seats (98% filled)

FNES 101 The Science of Foods: 4 sections; 144 / 140 seats (103% filled)

GEOL 101 Physical Geology: 10 sections; 266 / 288 seats (92% filled)

GEOL 102 Historical Geology: 1 section; 16 / 20 seats (80% filled)

PHYS 103 Physics for Computer Science I: 2 sections; 48 / 124 seats (39% filled)

PHYS 1214 General Physics I: 2 sections; 137 / 200 seats (68% filled)

PHYS 1224 General Physics II: 2 sections; 79 / 200 seats (40% filled)

PHYS 14 Conceptual Physics Lec: 1 section; 125 / 110 seats (114% filled)

PHYS 1454 Principles of Physics I: 2 sections; 59 / 200 seats (30% filled)

PHYS 1464 Principles of Physics II: 1 section; 26 / 50 seats (52% filled)

PSYCH 213W Experimental Psychology: 16 sections; 345 / 286 seats (121% filled)

World Cultures and Global Issues (26 courses)

AFST 101 Survey African Civ 1: 2 sections; 45 / 45 seats (100% filled)

ANTH 101 Intro To Cultural Anthropology: 10 sections; 1,048 / 1,050 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 101H Global Literatures I: 3 sections; 57 / 65 seats (88% filled)

CMLIT 101W Global Literatures I: 8 sections; 200 / 200 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 229W Vt: Women In Modern World Lit: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

DRAM 1 Intro Dram And Theat: 1 section; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 157W Readings in Global Literatures: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

FREN 203 Intermediate French I: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

FREN 205 Intro to Literary Analysis: 1 section; 14 / 25 seats (56% filled)

GRKMD 223 Modern Greek Conversation: 1 section; 9 / 25 seats (36% filled)

HIST 101 Early Modern Europe, 1500-1815: 6 sections; 303 / 315 seats (96% filled)

HIST 102 Modern Europe, 1815 to the Pre: 6 sections; 268 / 270 seats (99% filled)

HIST 160 VT: Topics in Global History: 5 sections; 141 / 140 seats (101% filled)

HIST 311 Jewish Soc in Islamic Lands: 1 section; 32 / 30 seats (107% filled)

ITAL 203 Intermediate Italian I: 1 section; 12 / 25 seats (48% filled)

ITAL 45W Italian Culture and Thought: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

KOR 305 Advanced Korean I: 1 section; 8 / 25 seats (32% filled)

MES 170 Islam: 1 section; 29 / 30 seats (97% filled)

MUSIC 246 Music History I: 1 section; 41 / 40 seats (102% filled)

PSCI 103 Comparative Politics: 4 sections; 167 / 175 seats (95% filled)

PSCI 104 International Politics: 4 sections; 180 / 180 seats (100% filled)

SPAN 201 Span For Herit Spkrs 3: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish I: 3 sections; 93 / 85 seats (109% filled)

SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish II: 2 sections; 59 / 50 seats (118% filled)

SPAN 221 Lang Wkshp Sp Herit St: 2 sections; 55 / 50 seats (110% filled)

SPAN 225 Composition: 2 sections; 43 / 43 seats (100% filled)

United States Experience in its Diversity (16 courses)

ENGL 152 Readings American Literature: 3 sections; 105 / 105 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 152W Readings American Literature: 5 sections; 131 / 75 seats (175% filled)

HIST 103 American History, 1607-1865: 14 sections; 620 / 620 seats (100% filled)

HIST 104 Amer Hist 1865-Pres: 13 sections; 723 / 720 seats (100% filled)

HIST 163 VT: Topics in U.S. History: 2 sections; 48 / 50 seats (96% filled)

LCD 103 Multilingualism In U.S.: 3 sections; 120 / 120 seats (100% filled)

PSCI 100 Amer Politics/Govt: 6 sections; 261 / 235 seats (111% filled)

PSCI 102 Political Controversies: 3 sections; 138 / 115 seats (120% filled)

PSCI 210 Amer State/Local Gov’T: 1 section; 45 / 45 seats (100% filled)

SOC 103 Sociology of American Life: 1 section; 400 / 400 seats (100% filled)

SOC 211 Ethnic and Racial Relations: 3 sections; 81 / 90 seats (90% filled)

SOC 222 Social Welfare: 1 section; 17 / 30 seats (57% filled)

URBST 101 Urban Poverty & Affluence: 9 sections; 914 / 985 seats (93% filled)

URBST 103 Urban Diversity: 2 sections; 124 / 130 seats (95% filled)

URBST 105 Urban Politics: 2 sections; 70 / 80 seats (88% filled)

WGS 101W Intro Women & Gender Studies: 2 sections; 59 / 50 seats (118% filled)

Creative Expression (15 courses)

ARTH 102 History of Western Art II: 3 sections; 153 / 150 seats (102% filled)

ARTH 113 Survey of Modern Art: 1 section; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

ARTH 114 Survey of Asian Art: 1 section; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

ARTH 220 Renaiss Art & Modernity: 1 section; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

ARTH 256 Contemporary Art Practices: 1 section; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

ARTH 258 History of Photography: 1 section; 41 / 40 seats (102% filled)

ARTS 333 Intro Social Engaged Art Pract: 1 section; 18 / 18 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 215W Topics in Modern Literature: 1 section; 10 / 10 seats (100% filled)

DANCE 150 Introduction to Dance: 3 sections; 65 / 50 seats (130% filled)

DRAM 100 Introduction to Acting: 16 sections; 453 / 390 seats (116% filled)

DRAM 111 Introduction to Theater Design: 2 sections; 60 / 60 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 153W Introduction to the Bible: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 165W Introduction to Poetry: 5 sections; 125 / 125 seats (100% filled)

HNRS 125 The Arts In New York City: 3 sections; 60 / 60 seats (100% filled)

MUSIC 1 Introduction to Music: 10 sections; 303 / 300 seats (101% filled)

Individual and Society (21 courses)

ACCT 261 Business Law I: 7 sections; 228 / 310 seats (74% filled)

ANTH 104 Language, Culture, and Society: 3 sections; 367 / 370 seats (99% filled)

BALA 101 Business and Society: 4 sections; 180 / 180 seats (100% filled)

ECON 100 Economics and Society: 2 sections; 100 / 100 seats (100% filled)

ECON 101 Introduction to Macroeconomics: 11 sections; 792 / 795 seats (100% filled)

ECON 102 Introduction to Microeconomics: 9 sections; 656 / 664 seats (99% filled)

FNES 147 Family Relations: 3 sections; 133 / 135 seats (99% filled)

HIST 255 VT: Transf Moment Arab/Israeli: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

MES 250 Lit Islamic World: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy: 9 sections; 234 / 265 seats (88% filled)

PHIL 104 Introduction to Ethics: 6 sections; 167 / 170 seats (98% filled)

PHIL 104H Introduction to Ethics: 2 sections; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

PHIL 116 Intro Philo Religion: 3 sections; 86 / 85 seats (101% filled)

PSCI 101 Intro To Political Science: 7 sections; 286 / 295 seats (97% filled)

PSCI 105 Political Theory: 2 sections; 70 / 75 seats (93% filled)

SEYS 120 Education for Social Justice: 1 section; 20 / 20 seats (100% filled)

SOC 101 Gen Intro To Soc: 10 sections; 972 / 980 seats (99% filled)

SOC 208 Social Problems: 3 sections; 73 / 90 seats (81% filled)

SOC 215 Sociology of Education: 1 section; 29 / 30 seats (97% filled)

URBST 114 Sex and the City: 3 sections; 98 / 120 seats (82% filled)

WGS 104 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies: 1 section; 20 / 20 seats (100% filled)

Scientific World (18 courses)

ANTH 102 Intro to Human Evolution: 10 sections; 1,047 / 1,100 seats (95% filled)

ANTH 103 Introduction to Archaeology: 4 sections; 422 / 420 seats (100% filled)

ASTR 1 General Astronomy: 4 sections; 412 / 450 seats (92% filled)

CHEM 163 Chemistry in Modern Society: 1 section; 42 / 50 seats (84% filled)

CSCI 100 Information and Intelligence: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

CSCI 111 Intro Algorithmic Problem Solv: 13 sections; 820 / 828 seats (99% filled)

DATA 212W Research Methods: 12 sections; 356 / 375 seats (95% filled)

DATA 235 Data and Society: 3 sections; 89 / 90 seats (99% filled)

ENSCI 112 Our Changing Planet: 1 section; 69 / 108 seats (64% filled)

FNES 163 General Nutrition: 4 sections; 226 / 226 seats (100% filled)

GEOL 12 Natural Disasters: 1 section; 91 / 108 seats (84% filled)

GEOL 77 Weather, Climate, & Change: 1 section; 35 / 108 seats (32% filled)

GEOL 9 Environmental Issues: 1 section; 108 / 108 seats (100% filled)

HNRS 225 Sci & Tech In NYC: 3 sections; 57 / 57 seats (100% filled)

LCD 102 Analyzing Language: 3 sections; 120 / 120 seats (100% filled)

PHIL 225 Phil of Natural Sciences: 1 section; 13 / 15 seats (87% filled)

PHYS 3 Physics of Musical Sound: 1 section; 44 / 50 seats (88% filled)

PSYCH 101 General Psychology: 11 sections; 692 / 631 seats (110% filled)

QC Literature (39 courses)

CLAS 150 Grk/Lat Class Trans: 3 sections; 89 / 90 seats (99% filled)

CMLIT 101H Global Literatures I: 3 sections; 57 / 65 seats (88% filled)

CMLIT 101W Global Literatures I: 8 sections; 200 / 200 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 102W Global Literatures II: 8 sections; 199 / 200 seats (100% filled)

EAST 152 Korean Lit In Trans: 2 sections; 61 / 60 seats (102% filled)

EAST 250 Modern Chinese Fiction Trans: 1 section; 31 / 30 seats (103% filled)

EAST 251 Mod Jpns Fict:Transl: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 151 Readings in British Literature: 4 sections; 141 / 140 seats (101% filled)

ENGL 151W Readings in British Literature: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 152 Readings American Literature: 3 sections; 105 / 105 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 152W Readings American Literature: 5 sections; 131 / 75 seats (175% filled)

ENGL 157W Readings in Global Literatures: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 161 Introduction to Narrative: 1 section; 37 / 35 seats (106% filled)

ENGL 161W Introduction to Narrative: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

ENGL 162 Literature and Place: 2 sections; 70 / 70 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 162W Literature and Place: 6 sections; 152 / 150 seats (101% filled)

ENGL 165W Introduction to Poetry: 5 sections; 125 / 125 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 331 Chaucer: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 351 Nineteenth-Century U.S. Lit: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 355 African American Literature II: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 360 VT: Latino/Latina Literature: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 367 Modern Irish Literature: 1 section; 29 / 30 seats (97% filled)

ENGL 369 Asian American Literature: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 379 VT: Tran Ntl Post-Col Glob Lit: 1 section; 31 / 30 seats (103% filled)

FREN 205 Intro to Literary Analysis: 1 section; 14 / 25 seats (56% filled)

FREN 41 French and Francophone Lit: 1 section; 19 / 25 seats (76% filled)

FREN 41W French and Francophone Lit: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

GERM 41W German Lit in Translatiion: 2 sections; 49 / 50 seats (98% filled)

GRKMD 41W Mod Greek Lit Trans: 2 sections; 51 / 50 seats (102% filled)

HEBRW 150 Mod Heb Lit In Trans: 2 sections; 62 / 60 seats (103% filled)

ITAL 41W Italian Lit in Translation: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

MES 160 Classical Islamic Lit & Civil: 2 sections; 61 / 60 seats (102% filled)

MES 250 Lit Islamic World: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

PORT 41 Global Port Lit in Translation: 1 section; 16 / 25 seats (64% filled)

QNS 101 Queens Community: 1 section; 21 / 30 seats (70% filled)

RUSS 155 Keys to Russian Literature: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

RUSS 155W Keys to Russian Literature: 1 section; 26 / 25 seats (104% filled)

SPAN 41 Hisp Lit In Trans: 5 sections; 127 / 125 seats (102% filled)

SPAN 60 Hisp Lit & Culture In Us: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

QC Language (63 courses)

ANTH 104 Language, Culture, and Society: 3 sections; 367 / 370 seats (99% filled)

ARAB 101 Elementary Arabic I: 3 sections; 71 / 70 seats (101% filled)

ARAB 203 Intermediate Arabic I: 1 section; 17 / 25 seats (68% filled)

ARAB 305 Advanced Arabic I: 1 section; 13 / 25 seats (52% filled)

ASL 111 American Sign Language I: 2 sections; 51 / 50 seats (102% filled)

CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese I: 2 sections; 50 / 45 seats (111% filled)

CHIN 203 Intermediate Chinese I: 1 section; 27 / 25 seats (108% filled)

CHIN 250 Classical Chinese I: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

CHIN 317 Intro Formal Chinese Linguist: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

CHIN 320 Chinese Drama: 1 section; 28 / 28 seats (100% filled)

CHIN 330 The Chinese Essay: 1 section; 20 / 30 seats (67% filled)

CHIN 350 VT: Chinese Fiction: 1 section; 23 / 30 seats (77% filled)

CHIN 360 Traditional Chinese Literature: 1 section; 13 / 30 seats (43% filled)

FREN 111 Elementary French I: 7 sections; 172 / 175 seats (98% filled)

FREN 112 Elementary French II: 1 section; 23 / 25 seats (92% filled)

FREN 203 Intermediate French I: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

FREN 205 Intro to Literary Analysis: 1 section; 14 / 25 seats (56% filled)

FREN 235 Business French: 1 section; 9 / 25 seats (36% filled)

FREN 350 French Novel of 19th Century: 1 section; 5 / 15 seats (33% filled)

FREN 385 VT: Seminar: 1 section; 6 / 15 seats (40% filled)

GERM 111 Elementary German I: 4 sections; 84 / 100 seats (84% filled)

GERM 203 Intermediate German I: 1 section; 10 / 25 seats (40% filled)

GERM 236 German Media of Today: 1 section; 6 / 25 seats (24% filled)

GREEK 251 Elementary Ancient Greek I: 1 section; 14 / 25 seats (56% filled)

GRKMD 111 Elementary Modern Greek I: 1 section; 23 / 25 seats (92% filled)

GRKMD 223 Modern Greek Conversation: 1 section; 9 / 25 seats (36% filled)

HEBRW 101 Elementary Hebrew I: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

HEBRW 102 Elementary Hebrew II: 1 section; 20 / 25 seats (80% filled)

HEBRW 311 Hebrew Conversation: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

HEBRW 358 The Modern Hebrew Media: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

ITAL 111 Elementary Italian I: 7 sections; 175 / 175 seats (100% filled)

ITAL 112 Elementary Italian II: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

ITAL 203 Intermediate Italian I: 1 section; 12 / 25 seats (48% filled)

ITAL 224 Advanced Grammar: 1 section; 10 / 25 seats (40% filled)

JPNS 101 Elementary Japanese I: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

JPNS 203 Intermediate Japanese I: 1 section; 20 / 25 seats (80% filled)

JPNS 305 Advanced Modern Japanese I: 1 section; 12 / 25 seats (48% filled)

KOR 101 Elementary Korean I: 4 sections; 101 / 80 seats (126% filled)

KOR 102 Elementary Korean II: 2 sections; 30 / 50 seats (60% filled)

KOR 203 Intermediate Korean I: 1 section; 18 / 25 seats (72% filled)

KOR 305 Advanced Korean I: 1 section; 8 / 25 seats (32% filled)

LATIN 101 Elementary Latin: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

LCD 101 Introduction to Language: 11 sections; 484 / 530 seats (91% filled)

LCD 102 Analyzing Language: 3 sections; 120 / 120 seats (100% filled)

PORT 111 Elementary Portuguese I: 3 sections; 83 / 75 seats (111% filled)

RUSS 111 Elementary Russian I: 3 sections; 47 / 75 seats (63% filled)

RUSS 112 Elementary Russian II: 1 section; 12 / 25 seats (48% filled)

RUSS 204 Intermediate Russian II: 1 section; 7 / 25 seats (28% filled)

SPAN 111 Elementary Spanish I: 14 sections; 355 / 355 seats (100% filled)

SPAN 112 Elementary Spanish II: 3 sections; 84 / 80 seats (105% filled)

SPAN 201 Span For Herit Spkrs 3: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

SPAN 203 Intermediate Spanish I: 3 sections; 93 / 85 seats (109% filled)

SPAN 204 Intermediate Spanish II: 2 sections; 59 / 50 seats (118% filled)

SPAN 221 Lang Wkshp Sp Herit St: 2 sections; 55 / 50 seats (110% filled)

SPAN 224 Grammar: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

SPAN 225 Composition: 2 sections; 43 / 43 seats (100% filled)

SPAN 240 Intro Hisp Lit Studies: 1 section; 29 / 25 seats (116% filled)

SPAN 250 Survey of Spanish Literature I: 1 section; 15 / 25 seats (60% filled)

SPAN 260 Survey Span Lit II: 1 section; 17 / 25 seats (68% filled)

SPAN 280 Survey Span-Amer Literature I: 1 section; 20 / 25 seats (80% filled)

SPAN 290 Survey Span-Am Lit II: 1 section; 16 / 25 seats (64% filled)

SPAN 312 The Cult Civilition Latin Amer: 1 section; 21 / 25 seats (84% filled)

SPAN 390 Hispanic Literature Seminar: 1 section; 15 / 18 seats (83% filled)

QC Science (51 courses)

ANTH 102 Intro to Human Evolution: 10 sections; 1,047 / 1,100 seats (95% filled)

ANTH 103 Introduction to Archaeology: 4 sections; 422 / 420 seats (100% filled)

ASTR 1 General Astronomy: 4 sections; 412 / 450 seats (92% filled)

ASTR 2 General Astronomy with Lab: 2 sections; 47 / 48 seats (98% filled)

BIOL 105 Physiol & Cell Biol: 14 sections; 461 / 468 seats (99% filled)

BIOL 106 Life-Form&Ecosystems: 12 sections; 404 / 396 seats (102% filled)

BIOL 11 Intro to College Biology: 9 sections; 574 / 570 seats (101% filled)

BIOL 22 Intro to Human Physiology: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

BIOL 40 Anatomy and Physiology I: 10 sections; 462 / 462 seats (100% filled)

BIOL 41 Anatomy and Physiology II: 6 sections; 282 / 300 seats (94% filled)

BIOL 44 Food and Human Microbiology: 3 sections; 68 / 70 seats (97% filled)

CHEM 1013 Basic Chemistry: 3 sections; 191 / 195 seats (98% filled)

CHEM 1021 Basic Org Chem Lab: 5 sections; 106 / 117 seats (91% filled)

CHEM 1023 Basic Organic Chemistry: 2 sections; 110 / 120 seats (92% filled)

CHEM 1031 Basic Biochemistry Laboratory: 3 sections; 57 / 81 seats (70% filled)

CHEM 1033 Basic Biochemistry: 1 section; 57 / 60 seats (95% filled)

CHEM 1134 General Chemistry I: 10 sections; 323 / 340 seats (95% filled)

CHEM 1144 General Chemistry II: 4 sections; 159 / 160 seats (99% filled)

CHEM 163 Chemistry in Modern Society: 1 section; 42 / 50 seats (84% filled)

CHEM 2511 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I: 7 sections; 110 / 144 seats (76% filled)

CHEM 2514 Organic Chemistry I: 1 section; 128 / 150 seats (85% filled)

CSCI 100 Information and Intelligence: 1 section; 30 / 30 seats (100% filled)

DATA 212W Research Methods: 12 sections; 356 / 375 seats (95% filled)

DATA 235 Data and Society: 3 sections; 89 / 90 seats (99% filled)

ENSCI 100 Our Planet In 21st Century: 9 sections; 252 / 252 seats (100% filled)

ENSCI 112 Our Changing Planet: 1 section; 69 / 108 seats (64% filled)

ENSCI 99 Guide to Environmental Choices: 12 sections; 352 / 360 seats (98% filled)

FNES 101 The Science of Foods: 4 sections; 144 / 140 seats (103% filled)

FNES 163 General Nutrition: 4 sections; 226 / 226 seats (100% filled)

GEOL 101 Physical Geology: 10 sections; 266 / 288 seats (92% filled)

GEOL 102 Historical Geology: 1 section; 16 / 20 seats (80% filled)

GEOL 12 Natural Disasters: 1 section; 91 / 108 seats (84% filled)

GEOL 77 Weather, Climate, & Change: 1 section; 35 / 108 seats (32% filled)

GEOL 9 Environmental Issues: 1 section; 108 / 108 seats (100% filled)

HNRS 225 Sci & Tech In NYC: 3 sections; 57 / 57 seats (100% filled)

LCD 102 Analyzing Language: 3 sections; 120 / 120 seats (100% filled)

PHIL 225 Phil of Natural Sciences: 1 section; 13 / 15 seats (87% filled)

PHYS 103 Physics for Computer Science I: 2 sections; 48 / 124 seats (39% filled)

PHYS 11 Conceptual Physics Laboratory: 5 sections; 128 / 96 seats (133% filled)

PHYS 1211 General Physics I Laboratory: 5 sections; 131 / 125 seats (105% filled)

PHYS 1214 General Physics I: 2 sections; 137 / 200 seats (68% filled)

PHYS 1221 General Physics II Laboratory: 4 sections; 80 / 72 seats (111% filled)

PHYS 1224 General Physics II: 2 sections; 79 / 200 seats (40% filled)

PHYS 14 Conceptual Physics Lec: 1 section; 125 / 110 seats (114% filled)

PHYS 1451 Principles of Physics I Lab: 3 sections; 56 / 72 seats (78% filled)

PHYS 1454 Principles of Physics I: 2 sections; 59 / 200 seats (30% filled)

PHYS 1461 Princ of Physics II Lab: 1 section; 24 / 24 seats (100% filled)

PHYS 1464 Principles of Physics II: 1 section; 26 / 50 seats (52% filled)

PHYS 3 Physics of Musical Sound: 1 section; 44 / 50 seats (88% filled)

PSYCH 101 General Psychology: 11 sections; 692 / 631 seats (110% filled)

PSYCH 213W Experimental Psychology: 16 sections; 345 / 286 seats (121% filled)

QC Synthesis (3 courses)

ANTH 388 Voices of New York: 1 section; 11 / 15 seats (73% filled)

LCD 388 Voices of New York: 1 section; 15 / 15 seats (100% filled)

MUSIC 377 Musical Form and Analysis: 1 section; 15 / 20 seats (75% filled)

Writing Intensive (76 courses)

ACCT 362W Business Law II: 5 sections; 77 / 100 seats (77% filled)

ACCT 393W Seminar in Accounting: 1 section; 11 / 15 seats (73% filled)

ANTH 212 Peoples of the Middle East: 1 section; 11 / 25 seats (44% filled)

ANTH 246W Archaeology of the Near East: 1 section; 26 / 25 seats (104% filled)

ARTH 254W Twentieth-Century Art: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

BALA 103W Critical Thinking in Business: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

BALA 201W Business Communications: 3 sections; 70 / 75 seats (93% filled)

BALA 302 Law and Ethics of Business: 2 sections; 38 / 55 seats (69% filled)

BUS 160W Intro To Bus Writ: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

BUS 341W Intermediate Finance: 2 sections; 52 / 50 seats (104% filled)

CLAS 250W Ancient Epic and Tragedy: 1 section; 9 / 25 seats (36% filled)

CMAL 101W Cultural Studies: Short Poem: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 101H Global Literatures I: 3 sections; 57 / 65 seats (88% filled)

CMLIT 101W Global Literatures I: 8 sections; 200 / 200 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 102W Global Literatures II: 8 sections; 199 / 200 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 215W Topics in Modern Literature: 1 section; 10 / 10 seats (100% filled)

CMLIT 229W Vt: Women In Modern World Lit: 2 sections; 50 / 50 seats (100% filled)

DANCE 350W Time & Dance Image In U.S. I: 1 section; 18 / 20 seats (90% filled)

DATA 212W Research Methods: 12 sections; 356 / 375 seats (95% filled)

EAST 130W East Asian Religion: 1 section; 21 / 21 seats (100% filled)

ECON 223W American Economy to 1914: 1 section; 24 / 24 seats (100% filled)

ECON 228W Econ Of Environment: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

ECON 3911W Special Problems: 1 section; 0 / 0 seats

ECON 392W Honors Seminar: 1 section; 3 / 25 seats (12% filled)

EECE 201W Schooling in Diverse Commun: 6 sections; 167 / 168 seats (99% filled)

EECE 310W Cultural Context I: Child Dev: 7 sections; 174 / 196 seats (89% filled)

ENGL 151W Readings in British Literature: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 152W Readings American Literature: 5 sections; 131 / 75 seats (175% filled)

ENGL 153W Introduction to the Bible: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 157W Readings in Global Literatures: 3 sections; 75 / 75 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 161W Introduction to Narrative: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

ENGL 162W Literature and Place: 6 sections; 152 / 150 seats (101% filled)

ENGL 165W Introduction to Poetry: 5 sections; 125 / 125 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 170W Introduction to Literary Study: 5 sections; 127 / 125 seats (102% filled)

ENGL 200W Writing about Writing: 3 sections; 60 / 60 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 210W Intro Creative Writing: 7 sections; 126 / 123 seats (102% filled)

ENGL 211W Introduction to Writing Nonfic: 2 sections; 38 / 36 seats (106% filled)

ENGL 301W Fiction Workshop: 1 section; 18 / 18 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 303W Non-fiction Workshop: 1 section; 18 / 18 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 391W Vt: Senior Semi in Lit: 4 sections; 60 / 60 seats (100% filled)

ENGL 399W Department Honors Seminar: 2 sections; 23 / 30 seats (77% filled)

ENSCI 373W Environmental Problem Solving: 1 section; 22 / 22 seats (100% filled)

FNES 161W Intro Teaching Phys Educ: 1 section; 24 / 20 seats (120% filled)

FNES 307W Experimental Food Science: 2 sections; 46 / 48 seats (96% filled)

FREN 41W French and Francophone Lit: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

GERM 41W German Lit in Translatiion: 2 sections; 49 / 50 seats (98% filled)

GRKMD 41W Mod Greek Lit Trans: 2 sections; 51 / 50 seats (102% filled)

HEBRW 350W Bib Narrative&Poetry In Trans: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

HIST 392W Colloquium: 4 sections; 50 / 60 seats (83% filled)

HNRS 350W Senior Thesis: 5 sections; 5 / 39 seats (13% filled)

ITAL 41W Italian Lit in Translation: 1 section; 24 / 25 seats (96% filled)

ITAL 45W Italian Culture and Thought: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

MATH 114W Elementary Prob&Stat: 1 section; 29 / 30 seats (97% filled)

MEDST 201W Media Criticism: 3 sections; 74 / 75 seats (99% filled)

MEDST 223 Media Writing: 2 sections; 39 / 56 seats (70% filled)

MEDST 330W The Music Industry: 1 section; 20 / 22 seats (91% filled)

MEDST 342W Special Topics in Genre: 2 sections; 41 / 44 seats (93% filled)

MEDST 381W Advanced Studies in Media: 3 sections; 52 / 57 seats (91% filled)

MUSIC 346W Music History III: 1800-1890: 1 section; 23 / 25 seats (92% filled)

MUSIC 347W Music Hist IV: 1 section; 12 / 20 seats (60% filled)

PHIL 104H Introduction to Ethics: 2 sections; 40 / 40 seats (100% filled)

PHIL 383W Research Paper: 1 section; 7 / 12 seats (58% filled)

PHYS 395W Senior Research Project I: 1 section; 0 / 0 seats

PHYS 396W Senior Research Project II: 1 section; 0 / 0 seats

PSCI 381W Seminar in American Politics: 1 section; 17 / 15 seats (113% filled)

PSCI 382W Seminar in Law and Politics: 2 sections; 27 / 30 seats (90% filled)

PSCI 383W VT: Seminar Comp Politics: 1 section; 14 / 15 seats (93% filled)

PSCI 384W Vt:Sem Intl Politics: 1 section; 16 / 15 seats (107% filled)

PSYCH 213W Experimental Psychology: 16 sections; 345 / 286 seats (121% filled)

RUSS 155W Keys to Russian Literature: 1 section; 26 / 25 seats (104% filled)

SEYS 201W Hst, Soc & Phil Found: 4 sections; 111 / 112 seats (99% filled)

SOC 381W Senior Seminars: 8 sections; 140 / 152 seats (92% filled)

URBST 330W Contemporary Urban Theory: 1 section; 25 / 25 seats (100% filled)

URBST 390W Writing-Intensive Tutorial: 1 section; 1 / 1 seats (100% filled)

WGS 101W Intro Women & Gender Studies: 2 sections; 59 / 50 seats (118% filled)

WGS 201W Theories of Feminism: 1 section; 34 / 25 seats (136% filled)