
.\"  $Id: instantiate.1,v 1.1 2001/12/06 16:01:50 eric Exp $
.\"  Man page for Instantiate.
.\"  $Log: instantiate.1,v $
.\"  Revision 1.1  2001/12/06 16:01:50  eric
.\"  Initial revision
.TH instantiate 1 "December 4, 2001" "Instantiate"
instantiate \- Create an instance of a class loaded by JVM
.BI "instantiate [" options ]
.BI "-j " jvmnumber
.BI "-c " classnumber
.BI "-o " constructor
.I arguments
.BI "[\-h " host ]
.BI "[\-s " service ]
.B [-g] [-f]
The program
.B instantiate
contacts a PJVM manager which in turn contacts the specific JVM
requested with the
.B -j
option, and then attempts to instantiate the class specified
by the
.B -c
option using the constructor indicated by
.BR "-o" .
Class and constructor numbers can be obtained using
.BR "listclass " and
.B listconstructors
Arguments are passed to the constructor using a flag followed by an
argument.  In most cases that argument is a string that is to be
converted by Java's constructors into the primitive in question.  In the
case of Objects, an object must be specified by PJVM's internal object
number (see
.BR "listobjects" ).
Arguments can also be created on the fly using your command shell's
procedure for command nesting in combination with another instantiation,
or with
.BR "callmethod" .
A flag for strings is provided as a
Any object created by
.B instantiate
can be marked for PJVM internal "garbage collection" using the garbage
collection and finalizer flags (see
A sample call to
.B instantiate
asking PJVM to instantiate the first class loaded into the second JVM,
using the second listed constructor, and passing a string, a float, and
the third object recognized by the JVM:
# instantiate -j 1 -c 0 -o 1 -- -t \\"Hi there\\" -f 321.224 -o 2
.B instantiate
can recognize the output of other
.BR "instantiate " or
.B callmethod
commands, allowing you to nest commands:
# instantiate -j 1 -c 0 -o 1 -- -t \\"Hi there\\" -f 321.224 -o
$(instantiate -j 0 -c 0 -o 0 -- -i 324)
And using the garbage collection and finalization methods,
.B instantiate
can be made to store only the main Object, creating and then discarding
the Object used as an argument:
# instantiate -j 1 -c 0 -o 1 -f -- -t \\"Hi there\\" -f 321.224 -o
$(instantiate -j 0 -c 0 -o 0 -g -- -i 324)
After issuing this command, a call to
.B listobjects
will display only the Object created by the first call to instantiate,
not the second, which was marked for garbage collection with the
.B \-g
flag and collected when the finalizer was called with the
.BR "\-f " directive.
.BI "\-z " boolean
This value must equal
.B true
.BR "false" .
.BI "\-b " byte
Signed 8-bit value.
.BI "\-c " char
16-bit character value.
.BI "\-s " short
Signed 16-bit numeric value.
.BI "\-i " int
Signed 32-bit numeric value.
.BI "\-j " long
Signed 64-bit numeric value.
.BI "\-f " float
32-bit floating point value.
.BI "\-d " double
64-bit double-precision floating point value.
.BI "\-t " String
Java String value.  Each string must begin and end with a
backslash-quote mark (\\").
.BI "\-o " Object
Java Object.  Specify an object number as determined by
.B listobjects
or the output of the
.B instantiate
.B callmethod
.BI "\-h " host
The host on which a PJVM Manager
is running.  If this is a remote
server, specify a hostname.  Default is
.BR "localhost" .
.BI "\-s " service
The port number or service name at which a PJVM Manager
can be contacted on the
.B hostname
specified.  Default is
.BR "pjvmmanager" .
.BI "\-j " jvm\ number
The internal identification number of a JVM registered with a PJVM
Manager.  A list of these identification numbers can be determined with
the use of
.BR "listjvm" .
.BI "\-c " class\ number
The internal identification number of a class registered with a JVM
recognized by the PJVM Manager.  A list of these identification numbers
can be determined with the use of
.BR "listclass" .
.BI "\-o " constructor\ number
The internal identification number of a constructor for a class
registered with a JVM recognized by the PJVM Manager.  A list of these
identification numbers can be determined with the use of
.BR "listconstructors" .
.B "\-g"
Flag to mark the instantiated object for garbage collection.  This sets
a flag within the PJVM's internal object array.  When the finalizer is
called by another call to
.BR "instantiate " or
.B callmethod
all objects marked for garbage collection are de-referenced and removed
from the array.
.B "\-f"
Flag to call the PJVM finalizer.  This will delete all objects marked
for garbage collection from the PJVM's internal object array.
.BR pjvms (1),
.BR manager (1),
.BR requestjvm (1),
.BR listjvm (1),
.BR killjvm (1),
.BR loadclass (1),
.BR listconstructors (1),
.BR listmethods (1),
.BR listclass (1)