
.\"  $Id: requestjvm.1,v 1.5 2001/12/06 16:02:01 eric Exp $
.\"  Man page for RequestJVM.
.\"  $Log: requestjvm.1,v $
.\"  Revision 1.5  2001/12/06 16:02:01  eric
.\"  Added reference to instantiate(1)
.\"  Revision 1.4  2001/11/27 22:09:39  eric
.\"  Added reference to listobjects(1)
.\"  Revision 1.3  2001/11/04 05:28:05  eric
.\"  Added listmethods
.\"  Revision 1.2  2001/10/31 00:33:29  eric
.\"  Formatting Revisions
.TH requestjvm 1 "October 23, 2001" "RequestJVM"
requestjvm \- Request new JVM from PJVM Server
.BI "requestjvm [" options ]
.BI "[\-h " host ]
.BI "[\-s " service ]
The program
.B requestjvm
contacts the PJVM Manager, which in turn contacts the PJVM Server, and
requests the creation of a new JVM and the allocation of a new port at
which the new JVM can be contacted.  If successful, the Server returns
that port number to the Manager, which stores it for future
communications with other client utilities.
.BI "\-h " host
The host on which a PJVM Manager
is running.  If this is a remote
server, specify a hostname.  Default is
.BR "localhost" .
.BI "\-s " service
The port number or service name at which a PJVM Manager
can be contacted on the
.B hostname
specified.  Default is
.BR "pjvmmanager" .
When run too many times in quick succession, requestjvm prompts "can't
bind to 'x' port: Address already in use" error.  This error can be
avoided by not running requestjvm concurrently.  Requestjvm also
occasionally produces a portnumber below that allowed for use by common
users - port assignment in general needs to be looked into.
.BR pjvms (1),
.BR manager (1),
.BR listjvm (1),
.BR killjvm (1),
.BR loadclass (1),
.BR listclass (1),
.BR listconstructors (1),
.BR listmethods (1),
.BR listobjects (1),
.BR instantiate (1)