Grading Form for Knight's Tour Project


Each section of this report is followed by a score in the form "m/n" which tells is your score and the maximum fpossible or the section. The maximum score for the project is the sum of the "n" values for all sections, which is 10. Each question within a section is followed by a number in parentheses, which tells how many points are deducted if the answer to the question is "no." The numbers in parentheses add up to more than the maximum score for a section because there is more than one way to lose points within a section!

User Documentation:

Is there a user documentation file? (1.0)

Is the user documentation file named tour.1? (0.3)

Does the user documentation file look like a "man" page. That is, does it have (at least) sections called Name, Synopsis, and Description, and do those sections contain the type of information that a user would need to know to use the program? (0.5)

Is the writing clear, concise, and grammatically correct? (1.0)

Score: /1.0

Coding Style:

Is the code easy to read? Indentation should be consistent, there should be enough whitespace to make the code and comments easy to see. (1.0)

Does the program use meaningful variable names? (1.0)

Are sequence, selection and repetition structures used appropriately and efficiently? (1.0)

Are the comments a useful guide to the code, written so they will be useful to another programmer who knows how to program in C++, but who needs to locate key parts of the code? (1.0)

Score: /3.0

Project Structure and Functionality:

Did the student provide all three modules, named tour, heuristic, and brute? (2.0)

Do all three modules compile and link without error to each other and to the modules we supplied? (3.0)

Do all the executable versions of the program produce "reasonable" results? (2.0)

Score: /3.0

The Report:

Does the report structure follow the outline given in the project assignment? (2.0)

Does each part of the report contain the proper type of information? (2.0)

Is the writing clear, concise, and gramatically correct? (3.0)

Are the conclusions consistent with the data? (2.0)

Score: /3.0

General Comments:

Late Score:

There is a late penalty of 0.1 point for each day the project is submitted after the due date.

Total Score: /10.0

Dr. Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department
Queens College of CUNY