CS-300 Programming Languages

How to Contact Dr. Vickery


Additional Resources

The PFE Editor

You may use any text editor you wish for preparing the programming projects in this course. However, your code must be properly indented, and there must be no ASCII <tab> characters in your code. These two requirements can most easily be met by using a good programmer's text editor. There are many of them available, and you may get a completely free copy of PFE (Programmer's File Editor) from the [ Development Tools ] page for CS-101. You'll find instructions for installing it there too.

Java Development Kit

You will be doing programming assignments using the Java language this term. The Java Development Kit (JDK), version 1.2.2 (also called SDK 2) is current and is available in the computer labs on campus. You may download a free copy of JDK 1.2.2 from the [ Development Tools ] page for CS-101. You'll find instructions for installing it there too.

Common Lisp Interpreter/Compiler

You will be doing programming projects using the Common LISP language this term, and will need a compiler/interpreter for that language. You can use the clisp command from your forbin account. Or you can install the same software on any PC that is available to you. You can get the program from the [ Development Tools ] page for this course. You'll find instructions for installing it there too.

Course Schedule and Assignments ]

Follow the link above for information specific to this semester.