CS-341, Computer Organization

Spring 1998

Dr. C. Vickery


Contact Information

Office NSB A-222
Phone 997-3508
Email vickery at babbage dot cs dot qc dot edu
Office Hours Tuesday and Friday, 1-2 PM
Course URL http://babbage.cs.qc.edu/courses/cs341
Required Text Patterson, D. A., and Hennessey, J. L.
Computer Organization & Design, Second Edition.
Morgan-Kaufmann, 1998. ISBN 1-55860-428-6.
[A list of errata for the first printing of the book (beige cover)].
[Get Acrobat Reader to read the errata].
(Percentages are approximate!)
Homework 11.111%
Exams 1 & 2 27.778% each
Final Exam 33.333%


Class No. Date Topics Assignments
1 Feb 3 Course Introduction and Scope
Review of Computers and Programming
Chapter 1
2 Feb 6 Information Encoding; Performance Measurement  
3 Feb 13 Performance Measurement and Calculation Chapter 2
Homework 1 Due.
4 Feb 17 Performance Measurement continued  
5 Feb 20 MIPS Architecture Chapter 3
Homework 2 Due.
6 Feb 24 MIPS Machine and Assembly Language
R and I Format Instructions
7 Feb 27 MIPS Machine and Assembly Language
Branch and Jump Instructions
Homework 3 Due.
8 Mar 3 MIPS Programming  
9 Mar 6 Review Homework 4 Due.
10 Mar 10 First Exam
Chapters 1-3
11 Mar 13 Encoding Numbers
Integers and IEEE-754 Floating-Point
Sections 4.1 through 4.4, and 4.8
12 Mar 17 Gates, Logic Networks, Truth Tables, and Logic Equations. Appendix B.1 through B.3
13 Mar 20 Sum of products implementation. Karnaugh Maps. Homework 5 Due.
14 Mar 24 Decoders, Multiplexors, Adders.  
15 Mar 27 Programmable Logic: PLA, PAL. Homework 6 Due.
16 Mar 31 PAL, PROM, parallel adder.  

Mar 31

Last Day to Drop Without Penalty

17 Apr 3 Parallel ALU Design. Carry Lookahead Logic. Chapter 4: Section 4.5.
Homework 7 Due.
18 Apr 7 Review for Exam.  
19 Apr 8
Second Exam
Chapter 4, Appendix B.

Spring Break April 10 -19

20 Apr 21 Sequential Circuits Appendix B: Sections B.4 and B.5.
21 Apr 24 Latches, Flip-Flops.  
22 Apr 28 Register File Design. [ Memory System Supplement ]
23 May 1 Memory System Design. Homework 8 Due.
24 May 5 SRAM IC Design. Chapter 5: Sections 5.1 - 5.3
25 May 8 MIPS Single Cycle Datapath. Homework 9 Due.
26 May 12 Generating Single Cycle Control Signals  
27 May 15 Generating ALUop and Multiple Cycle State Control Appendix B, Section B.6
28 May 19 Multiple Cycle Control Signals Appendix C, Figures C.3, C.5, C.7

May 26

1:45 - 3:45 PM