CS-341 Homework 1

Remember, homeworks are graded, so you must do your own work. If you do not follow this policy, you will be given a failing grade in the course, and risk college disciplinary action.

Assignment: Write your answers to the following questions on a piece of paper, and bring them to class on September 8.

Note: This is not the assignment that I wrote on the board during class on September 1. You need to be able to answer those questions in addition to the ones given here, but I will be collecting your answers to these questions only, not the ones I listed on the board.

You may want to consult the table of values at the end of this page while doing this assignment. You should also memorize the table for future use in this course.

  1.  Calculate the number of bits and the price per bit for each of
  the following memory modules. Then draw a graph showing price per bit
  as a function of storage capacity using the memory type (EDO or ECC)
  as a parameter.

    Capacity  EDO   ECC
    128 MB   $128  $159
     64 MB     67    86
     32 MB     24    42
     16 MB     11     8

  [ My Graph ]

  2.  All of these memory modules have an access time of 60 nsec.  How
  many times per second can they be accessed?  Use the appropriate unit
  of measure (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz, THz) for your answer.

  3.  Calculate thge price per bit for each of the following disk
  drives, and draw a graph showing the price per bit as a function of
  storage capacity.
    Capacity  Cost
    16.86 GB  $443
    10.0  GB   253
     8.0  GB   203
     4.0  GB   116
     2.1  GB    97

  4.  All the disks listed above rotate at 5400 RPM.
    a)  Calculate the time per revolution.  Use the appropriate unit of
    measure (sec, msec, microsec, nsec, psec) to express you answer.
    b)  What would be the average rotational delay for these disks?
    Rotational delay is the average amount of time that would elapse
    between a request for information and the arrival of the desired
    information under the read/write heads, and does not include time
    needed to position the heads at the proper track.

Units of Measure

  Power Decimal Value
Prefix Decimal Binary Decimal Binary
Tera 12 40 1,000,000,000,000 1,099,511,627,776
Giga 9 30 1,000,000,000 1,073,741,824
Mega 6 20 1,000,000 1,048,576
Kilo 3 10 1,000 1,024
Milli -3   0.001  
Micro -6   0.000,001  
Nano -9   0.000,000,001  
Pico -12   0.000,000,000,001