CS-343 Computer Organization

Section 9MD3 (2505) Mon/Wed 9:00 - 10:15
Section 10MDA (2506) Mon/Wed 10:30 - 11:45
SB B-141
Fall 2002
Dr. Vickery

Course Schedule

This is the first semester CS-343 is being offered. Initially, the table below shows what material I plan to cover in the course, which you may use to get an idea of what we will be doing this term. But the sections in red give an impossibly short amount of time for each topic. As the semester progresses, I will update the table to show the actual assignments and due dates for this semester. As I update the table, I will change the background color from red to green. There is plenty of material to fill all those empty boxes!

Date Topics and Assignments
1 September 4 Course Introduction; review combinational logic.
Assignment 1 Due
Memorize the Units of Measure and the Powers of Two Charts if you have not done so already.
Review Appendix A through section A.10.
2 September 9 Sequential logic.
Read Section A.11
3 September 11 Level and Edge Sensitive Circuits.
  September 16 No Class (Yom Kipur)
4 September 17 (Tuesday follows Monday schedule.) Finite State Machines
Read Sections A.12 and A.13
No Quiz
5 September 18 Finite State Machine Design
Read Sections A.14 and A.15
Assignment 2 Due
Assignment 2 Solutions
6 September 23 Registers and Counters
Read / Review pages 99 through 120
7 September 25 Serial Multiplier Design
Assignment 3 Due
Assignment 3 Solutions
8 September 30 Serial Multiplier, continued
Multiplier Design Web Page
Read Chapter 6
9 October 2 Instruction Set Architectures
The Fetch-Execute Cycle
10 October 7 The ARC ISA
Arithmetic format instructions. AddCC vs. Add;
Two's complement condition code logic, Carry/Overflow/Negative/Zero;
Bitwise operations and ALU circuits to support them; Two's
complement sign extension; using sign extension to place 13-bit
immediate operands on the 32-bit B-Bus. The PC and IR
registers; instruction fetch: IR <- Memory[PC]. Single clock
cycle to transfer Rrs1 and Rrs2 to ALU, compute arithmetic
or logic value, and return result to Rrd; ALU computes all values
and uses multiplexors to select the correct one for the result.
11 October 9 *** First Exam ***
  October 14 No Class (Columbus Day)
12 October 16
(Wednesday follows Monday schedule.)
ARC ISA: Load/Store/Sethi
13 October 21 Exam 1 Post Mortem; expect to be tested on FSM design again.
The ARC call instruction.
Assignment 4 Due
Assignment 4 Solution
14 October 23 ARC calls, branches, and jumps.
The ARC Datatpath design
15 October 28 ARC Register File Design
  October 30 *** Last Day to Drop ***
16 October 30 ARC Register File and ALU Design
17 November 4 ALU and Barrel Shifter; Lookup Tables
Microprogrammed Control Unit Design
Microprogrammed CU relationship to Finite State Machine model
18 November 6 ARC Control Word fields.
19 November 11 ARC Control Word Sequences for ISA Fetch-execute cycle.
20 November 13 Microcode to execute ld and subcc instructions.
Assignment 5 Due
Assignment 5 Solutions
21 November 18 *** Exam 2 ***
During the exam, you will be provided with photocopies of some of the figures in Chapter 6. Click Here for a list of the figures you will get.
22 November 20 Memory Hierarchy; Memory operations.
Read Chapter 7 through page 268
23 November 25 Exam Post Mortem
RAM Design: SRAM/DRAM; SRAM Binary Cell; SRAM IC; RAM Memory System.
24 November 27 Memory System Design
25 December 2 Cache Memory: Direct Mapped
26 December 4 Associative and Set-Associative caches
I/O System: Device Controllers
Read Chapter 8 through page 313.
27 December 9 I/O System: Programmed I/O and Interrupt Processing
Assignment 6 Due
Assignment 6 Solutions (HTML)
Assignment 6 Solutions (PDF)
28 December 11 I/O Busses: Asynchronous and synchronous
Bus hierarchies
  December 17/19 *** Final Exam ***

Section 9MD3: December 17; SB B-145; 11:00 to 1:00
Section 10MDA: December 19; SB C-201; 11:00 to 1:00

Course Administration

Click on the link above for information about the textbook for the course, how grades will be computed, the policy on homework, etc.

Check Grades

Click one of the links below to see what grades I have recorded for you so far this term. You need to send me a "codeword" to access your grades. See Homework Assignment 1 for details.

Grades become permanent two weeks after they are posted, so be sure to check your grades regularly to be sure there haven't been any mistakes.

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