CS-343 Assignment 1

Due Date and Submission

This assignment is due immediately! Submit it by sending email to me at the address, vickery@babbage.cs.qc.edu.

The Assignment

Send me an email message with "CS-343 Assignment 1" as the subject. In the body of your message, put your name and the last four digits of your QC ID number. You must send this message from your own email account. I will add the address to the mailing list for this course. The mailing list will be used throughout the semester to provide you with information about the course, including solutions to homework assignments.

If you would like to have multiple addresses on the mailing list, you may do so by sending me a message from each account you want on the list. Be sure each message has "CS-343 Assignment 1" as the subject and includes your name and ID in the message body.

If your email address changes during the semester, you should submit this "assignment" again and I will update the mailing list.

NOTE: Every semester some students fail to get notices from me because their mailboxes fill up. (Most email providers put a limit on how much mail you can save on their servers.) When this happens, the mail bounces back to me, but I have no way to notify you of the problem ... because email to you is being rejected! So be sure to keep your email account in good working order during the term.

The requirement that you use "CS-343 Assignment 1" as the subject of your message is because of the spam filter I use. If you fail to follow this requirement I will probably never see your email. Also, most homework assignments will be submitted by email, and you must always put the course number and assignment number in the subject of your messages to avoid the wrath of my spam filter. Likewise, if you need to contact me about anything related to the course during the semester, be sure to put the course number in the subject of your message.

Always be sure to put your name/ID somewhere in the message body of all email you send to me. It's necessary in order to get credit for homework assignments, and I much prefer to know who I'm talking to in other messages.

I generally respond to email very quickly. But please give me a couple of days after an assignment is due before you nudge me to see if I got it.

Finally, please don't send more than one copy of each email to me. The address given above (vickery@babbage.cs.qc.edu) is the one to use. If you send mail to any of my other email addresses (vickery@qc.edu, etc.) it just gets auto-forwarded to me at babbage anyway, and receiving multiple copies of the same thing is annoying.