CS-343 Assignment 6

Due Date and Submission

This assignment is due by midnight, May 23. Submit it by sending email to me at the address, vickery@babbage.cs.qc.edu. Be sure to put "CS-343 Assignment 6" in the subject of your email and to put your name/ID in the message body.

The Assignment

The assignment is to write out the answers to Exercises 8.1, 8.2, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, and 8.10 on pages 342 - 344 of the textbook. In addition, answer the questions below. Submit your answers in the body of your email message, not as an attachment, and not as a Word or PDF document.

Remember, you are encouraged to use the Discussion Board on the course's Blackboard page (blackboard.qc.edu) when you are working on this and all other assignments in this course.

8.1 The bottleneck is the ISA Bus, with its bandwidth of 16.7 MB/sec. That's 1/16.7 seconds per megabyte, so transferring 100MB will take 100/16.7 seconds. (5.988 sec.)

8.2 Using the Intel architecture as our model, it's actually not critical for interrupts to be disabled during execution of an ISR, although the behavior of the CPU does guarantee that they are.

(The CPU turns off the ie bit before it starts executing the ISR, and it doesn't get turned back on until the flags register is reloaded as part of executing the return from interrupt (iret) instruction.)

If the ISR were to enable interrupts during its execution and an interrupt were actually to occur, no harm would be done provided each ISR leaves unchanged the stack where return addresses, flag register copies, and saved registers are kept. This stack mechanism allows nested ISRs to execute safely. A problem could occur if the PIC matched the receipt of EOI an code from a nested ISR with the completion of the first interrupt request it had signalled instead of the most recent one. But in fact, the PIC won't make a second interrupt request until any previous one has completed, so there's no problem with the PIC either.

If you're thinking this too esoteric to put on an exam, you're probably right.

8.5 (a) The circumference of the inner track is 2πr and r is 1.0cm, so it can hold 20,000π bits. This is the number of bits on each track since the inner track is the shortest and the bit density is the same all over the disk. There are 10 tracks per cm and 4cm (5-1) of disk surface with tracks. With one additional track at the beginning (or end, depending on how you look at it), that's a total of 41 tracks. Therefore, the total capacity of one surface of the disk is 820,000π = 2,576,105 bits, the two surfaces together is 5,152,210 bits.

(b) 3600rpm is 60 revolutions per second, the data transfer rate is 2,576,105 * 60 = 154,566,300 bits per second.

8.6 The longest track-to-track time would be 15*127 = 1,905 msec (1.905 sec.). The maximum rotational delay would be 1/60 (0.0167) sec. Then it would take an additional 1/32 of a rotation for the sector to pass under the heads, for a total of 1,905 + 16.67 + 0.52 = 1,922.19 msec.

8.7 (a)The time to read a track is equal to the time for one revolution: 16.67msec. (b)There are 300x220/815 = 385,978 bytes per cylinder. It takes 19x16.67 = 316.67msec to read one cylinder from the disk to its buffer. It then takes 385,978/300K = 1.256 seconds to write a cylinder to the CPU. So, to read and transfer the first cylinder takes 316.67 + 1,256 = 1,572.67msec. 7.5m/s is 7,500mm/s, so it takes 0.25/7,500 = 0.33msec to move from one track to another. Therefore the total time is 815*1572.67 + 814*0.33 = 1,281,726.05msec (1,281 seconds), or about 21 minutes.

Notes: (1) Using powers of 2 for K and M in this question is okay so long as it is made clear that that is what the authors mean. But disk capacities in the real world are measured using powers of 10 (K = 1,000 rather than 1,024). (2) The numbers are a bit misleading in the sense that a 300KB/s bandwidth bus between the disk controller and the CPU is very slow. The bandwidth of the PCI bus in Fig. 8-7 is 133MB/s, which would give 385,978/133M = 0.002767sec for the time to write each cylinder to the CPU, reducing the answer to 815*2.77 + 814*0.33 = 2,526msec, or 2.5 sec instead of 21 minutes. (3) The answer ignores the fact that there will be an average of half a sector's rotational delay from the time the heads arrive at a cylinder and the time at which a complete sector can start to be read.

8.8 The sequence of events is to read a sector, wait for it to come around again, write it to the other surface, and immediately read the next sector. It should be possible to read the first sector of the second track immediately after writing the last sector of the first track. So the problem reduces to computing the time it takes for 2*10*1,000 = 20,000 revolutions. 20,000/3,000 is 6.67 minutes.

8.10 The display controller has to write 60*1,024*1,024 pixels per second, which is .000,000,015,894 seconds per pixel, which is about 16nsec.

Additional Questions

In addition to the questions from the textbook listed above, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the clock speed of the USB busses in Figure 8-7? (Hint: USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. That is, there is one data bit transferred per clock pulse.)
  2. Since 1.5B is 12b, the busses are transferring 12Mb/s. Since there is one bit per transfer, the clock must run at 12MHz.

  3. The USB 2.0 specification provides three bandwidth capacities, called "high speed," "full speed," and "limited capacity low speed." Match these bandwidths to the following transfer rates: 1.5Mb/s, 12Mb/s, and 480Mb/s. How sincerely would you congratulate your friend who just bought a computer with a "full speed USB 2.0" port? (Hint: The folks who developed the USB specification have been criticized for using the term "full speed" to mean less than the fastest speed.) And how would you answer the previous question given the information provided in this question? That is, what is the difference between 1.5MB/s and 1.5Mb/s?
  4. "Full speed" is marketing talk for 12Mb/s, not 480Mb/s. If you could find a knowledgeable salesperson, you should ask the actual bandwidth of the bus you are buying, not its marketing name. And the difference between MB/s and Mb/s is a factor of 8, the number of bits in a byte.

  5. A high-quality digital camera stores pictures in "raw" mode, meaning there is no compression of the data. Each pixel has 256 intensities for red, green, and blue, and a picture is taken at a resolution of 1600x1200 pixels.
    1. How big is an image, in bits?
    2. How big is an image, in bytes?
    3. How long will it take to transfer an image from the camera to a computer using each of the three USB 2.0 bandwidths?

    (Since writing this question I got my new camera, and the instruction manual says its RAW mode is "compressed." I think it's a lossless compression, meaning the original data can be reconstructed exactly, rather than a lossy compression like JPEG, which allows only an approximation of the original image to be reconstructed. We'll stick with the question as asked.)

    You need 8 bits to encode 256 different intensities, so it's 8+8+8 = 24 bits per pixel, and 1,600*1,200*24 = 46,080,000 bits = 5,760,000 bytes. At 1.5Mb/s that's 29.3 sec. At 12Mb/s it's 3.66 sec. And at 480MB/s it's 0.092 sec.

  6. Here is a quotation from an Intel web page: "The AGP3.0 Specification increased the strobe rate from 266MT/s with AGP2.0 to 533MT/s with AGP3.0. This now doubles the peak AGP bandwidth to 2.1 GB/s.
    1. Given what you know about bandwidth, what must "strobe rate" mean, and what does the "T" in "MT/s" stand for?
    2. What is the data width of the AGP bus?
    3. Figure 8-7 shows an "AGP 2X" graphics interface. Examine the diagram carefully and relate it to the quote above. Does the figure in the book show an AGP2.0 system? How do you know?

    The strobe rate is the clock rate, and T/s is transfers per second. The bandwidth definition says bits per second equals bits per transfer times transfers per second. So 2.1GB/s = x * 533M/s and x is 2.1G/500M. Using decimal G and M rather than binary, that gives 4.2 bytes per transfer, which has to be reduced to the integer value, 4 (i.e., 32 bits).

  7. A computer has a PCI bus that operates at 66MHz and a width of 32 bits.
    1. What is the bandwidth of this bus?
    2. Two IDE disk drives are connected to this PCI bus. They rotate at 10k rpm. Each track consists of 1024 sectors, and each sector is 512 bytes.
      1. How much bandwidth is required to transfer a track of data from one disk to memory?
      2. Can this PCI bus support both drives transferring tracks to memory at full speed at the same time?

    32*66M is 2,112,000,000, or 2.1Gb/s. A track contains 524,288 bytes. It takes 1/10,000 of a minute, or 6msec to read a track from the disk. If it were written to memory as fast as it is read from the disk, it would mean writing at the rate of 512K/0.006 = 87,381,333 bytes per sec, which is 699,050,667 = 699Gb/s. So this PCI bus cannot be used to transfer even one track to memory in real time. Hence the need for a buffer on the disk controller to hold a track while it is being transferred to memory.

  8. Using the disk drives and the PCI bus from the previous question, tell how much bandwidth and how many interrupts would be involved in transferring one sector of data to memory using a DMA controller, and without using a DMA controller.
  9. As explained in class, I was looking for you to give a 2:1 bandwidth ratio here for without:with DMA, but the actual number varies depending on how many instructions have to be fetched during the DMA transfer, which depends on the cache available on the CPU and whether the transfer loop fits entirely in that cache or not. And there will be just one interrupt for transferring an entire sector using DMA transfer compared to at least 128 interrupts without DMA, assuming the bus supports transferring 4 bytes at a time.

  10. Tell whether each of the following is implemented in hardware or in software:
  11. The device controller, the programmable interrupt controller, and the IRQ input to the CPU are all hardware. The others are all software.

  12. The following items list a possible sequence of events. For each item, tell whether it is "okay" where it is in the list or not. If it is okay, tell whether there are any other events that must occur before it happens.
  13. The order given is "okay." Programming the PIC and setting up the interrupt vector can be done in either order, but should be completed before interrupts are enabled. The application program can ask to read data any time after the device driver has been installed, which means any time after the PIC and interrupt vector have been initialized. Once the device controller has written the necessary control information to the device controller, data may start to arrive, and will be read into a kernel buffer as it arrives. The runtime library is linked to an application program, so it can start filling its buffer any time after the program has been loaded into memory and has opened a connection to the device. Meantime, interrupt processing can take place anytime the device controller asserts its interrupt request line to the PIC.