CS-343 Assignment 4

Fall 2004

Due October 14

Answer the following Exercises from the end of Chapter 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.13.

Type your answers into a plain-text email message, and send it to either vickery##babbage.cs.qc.edu or vickeryqc##gmail.com by midnight of the due date. (I'm using the gmail account as a backup for my babbage account these days; please submit the assignment to just one, not both.) Be sure to include your name and 4-digit student ID at the beginning of your mail message. Be sure the Subject line of your email is CS-343 Assignment 4 capitalized and spaced exactly as shown.

Optional Assignment

Do any of exercises 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11. Submit your answers on paper in class by Tuesday, October 19. Each one you answer reasonably correctly will count as an extra homework assignment so you can possibly get more than 1 point for homeworks in your course grade. (If you submit 110% of the required homework assignments you would get 1.1 points instead of 1.0 for that part of your course grade.)