CS-343 Assignment 4 Solutions


Combinational logic only: a, b, c, h, i

Sequential logic only: f, g, j

Mixed sequential and combinational: d, e, k


a. RegWrite = 0: All R-format instructions, in addition to lw , will not work because these instructions will not be able to write their results to the register file.

b. ALUop1 = 0: All R-format instructions except subtract will not work correctly because the ALU will perform subtract instead of the required ALU operation.

c. ALUop0 = 0: beq instruction will not work because the ALU will perform addition instead of subtraction (see Figure 5.12), so the branch outcome may be wrong.

d. Branch (or PCSrc) = 0: beq will not execute correctly. The branch instruction will always be not taken even when it should be taken.

e. MemRead = 0: lw will not execute correctly because it will not be able to read data from memory.

f. MemWrite = 0: sw will not work correctly because it will not be able to write to the data memory.


a. RegWrite = 1: sw and beq should not write results to the register file. sw ( beq) will overwrite a random register with either the store address (branch target) or random data from the memory data read port.

b. ALUop0 = 1: lw and sw will not work correctly because they will perform subtraction instead of the addition necessary for address calculation.

c. ALUop1 = 1: lw and sw will not work correctly. lw and sw will perform a random operation depending on the least significant bits of the address field instead of addition operation necessary for address calculation.

d. Branch = 1: Instructions other than branches (beq) will not work correctly if the ALU Zero signal is raised. An R-format instruction that produces zero output will branch to a random address determined by its least significant 16 bits.

e. MemRead = 1: All instructions will work correctly. (Data memory is always read, but memory data is never written to the register file except in the case of lw .)

f. MemWrite = 1: Only sw will work correctly. The rest of instructions will store their results in the data memory, while they should not.


From Figure 5.18, the MemtoReg control signal looks identical to both signals, except for the don't care entries which have different settings for the other signals. A don't care can be replaced by any signal; hence both signals can substitute for the MemtoReg signal.

Signals ALUSrc and MemRead differ in that sw sets ALSrc (for address calculation) and resets MemRead (writes memory: can't have a read and a write in the same cycle), so they can't replace each other. If a read and a write operation can take place in the same cycle, then ALUSrc can replace MemRead, and hence we can eliminate the two signals MemtoReg and MemRead from the control system.

Insight: MemtoReg directs the memory output into the register file; this happens only in loads. Because sw and beq don't produce output, they don't write to the register file (Regwrite = 0), and the setting of MemtoReg is hence a don't care. The important setting for a signal that replaces the MemtoReg signal is that it is set for lw (Mem->Reg), and reset for R-format (ALU->Reg), which is the case for the ALUSrc (different sources for ALU identify lw from R-format) and MemRead ( lw reads memory but not R-format).