CS-343 Assignment 5


You may submit this assignment either on paper in class on Monday the 14th, or by email by midnight of the 14th. Be sure to write your name and section on the assignment if you submit it on paper. Be sure to use "CS-343 Assignment 5" as the subject, and include your name in the message body, if you submit it by email.

You are free to ask and answer questions about the assignment on the Discussion Forum for the course. Don't give the actual answers to questions on the forum, but it's okay to give answers to similar questions. For example, if the assignment had a question that said to compute 50% of 90 and somebody asked for help, it would be okay to say, Take half of 90. For example, 50% of 60 is 30.

Bonus: The first three people to uset the Discussion Forum to ask good questions about the assignment and the first three people to give good answers to those questions will have one point added to their course averages at the end of the semester. I'll decide what questions and answers qualify as "good!"

The Assignment

  1. After reading Chapter 4, answer Exercises 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.
  2. Define Amdahl's Law, and tell how it relates to Exercise 4.11. Small bonus: answer Exercise 4.11.
  3. Find (at least) three definitions of "dual-core" on the web. List them all, with the URLs of the pages where you found them, and then try to define this term in your own words. Relate it to the equations for CPU time on page 249.