The Assignment

  1. Complete the Single Cycle Worksheet distributed in class. Download the PDF from this link, fill it in, save the filled in copy, and send it to me as an email attachment. Leave blank those rows that cannot be implemented using the single cycle datapath in Figure 5.24.

    Put the answers to the following two questions in the body of your email message:

  2. For each row that you left blank in the worksheet, write a sentence that tells why that instruction could not be implemented using the datapath in Figure 5.24.
  3. Two of the instructions that could not be implemented are jal and lui. Describe exactly how you would change the datapath so that they could be implemented. Tell the names of any new control signals you needed to introduce into the design, and how they would be set for these two instructions.
  4. Answer Exercise 5.12 from the textbook. You do not need to answer Exercise 5.11.