
Complete the design of the four-state Finite State Machine developed in class. The machine has two external inputs: Up (U) and Count (C). For this assignment, I will assume the four states are named State_0, State_1, State_2, and State_3, with the numeric part of the state name corresponding to the binary number obtained by concatenating the values of the two state flip-flops, which will be called S1 and S0. When C is false, the machine does not change states. But when C is true, each clock pulse causes the machine to go up one state (from State_0 State_1, or from State_1 to State_2, etc.) if U is true, or down one state (from State_0 to State_3, or from State_1 to State_0, etc.). There are four outputs named LED_0, LED_1, LED_2, and LED_3, each of which is on when the machine is in the corresponding state.

Project Description

Draw a state diagram (circles and arcs) for this finite state machine; use the Moore Machine design we did in class.

Complete the sixteen-row state table for the machine, as developed in class.

Minimize each of the six output functions for the state table, and draw a schematic diagram for the complete machine.

Submit the Assignment

Write your answers on paper, and bring them to class on the due date. You may use Quartus to draw your schematic, but this is not required.

Be sure to write your name and "CS-343 Assignment 3" at the top of each page of your assignment.