
Use the Quartus software and a DE-1 Development Board to build and test a Full Adder, using AND, OR, and NOT gates.

The Assignment

There is a web page with TREE Lab Information that tells how to log into your computer account for the course. DE1 I/O Pins gives you the information you need about the DE1 Development Kits you are to use for this and other assignments in the course. We will continue going over the assignment in class on February 14 (making pin assignments, and testing the design). You will be able to submit the assignment for full credit as late as February 21. However, the 14th remains the official due date in the sense that I plan to give out another assignment on that date.

Submit The Assignment

When you have built and tested your circuit, be sure to log out of your account so your project will be saved on the server. Then send an email message to me saying your project is ready; I will get a copy from your account on the server and check it out. Send your email to:

Be sure the Subject Line of your email says CS-343 Assignment 2, just like that, to be sure your message does not get trapped by my spam filters.

Sign your email so I can tell who sent it!