
This is an exercise in working with MIPS machine and assembly language.

The Assignment

There is a separate web page describing the assignment.

In addition to writing and debugging the subroutine described in that web page, do the following: Use the Simulator—>Display symbol table menu item to determine the address at which addem was loaded into memory. Then use the Simulator—>Display symbol table menu item to set a breakpoint at that address. Run your program (F5) and when it reaches the breakpoint, single step through your program (F10) and write down, for the next three instructions executed: (a) the address of the instruction, (b) the machine language representation of the instruction, (c) the “native” assembly language instruction, (d) the actual assembly language statement you wrote, (e) the number of the register affected by the instruction, (f) the contents of that register before the instruction was executed, (g) the contents of the register after the instruction was executed, and (h) a comment telling what the instruction accomplished in the context of the algorithm being implemented.

Submit The Assignment

Send me an email message with your your written answers in the body of the message and with your code file named addem.s attached to it. The usual stuff:

Be sure the Subject Line of your email says CS-343 Assignment 5, just like that, to be sure your message does not get trapped by my spam filters.

Be sure to sign your email so I can tell who sent it!