1. The wort-case propagation delays in the datapath (i.e., when fetching and
executing a load word instruction) determines the minimum allowable period of the
clock, and thus the maximum clock rate.

2. The maximum propagation delays in any of the stages of the pipeline
determines the minimum allowable period of the clock.

3. A perfectly balance pipeline has the same number of propagation delays in all
its stages. The clock of an n-stage perfectly balanced pipeline will be n-times
faster than the clock of a single-cycle design.

4. S/P = I/P * C/I * S/C Where S is seconds, P is program, I is instructions, C
is clock pulses

5. CPI  (C/I) for the single-cycle design is 1 by definition; it is n for an
n-stage pipeline.

6. 6.1.a: No, because there are other stages that would require the original
clock period.
   6.1.b: Yes, now the minimum period would go from 200 to 250ps, so the maximum
   clock speed will go from 5GHz to 4GHz.

   6.2.a: 10^6 * 100 * 10^-12 = 10^(6+2-12) = 10^-4 = 100*10^-6 = 100

   6.2.b Twenty times faster.

   6.2.c Both: the clock speed will have to be reduced to allow for the overhead
   in each stage, affecting throughput; and latency will be affected because it
   will take longer for each instruction to go through the pipeline.

7. a) Structural, when two different instructions need access to the same
hardware at the same time. Solution is to add more hardware sot there will be no
conflict. An example would be to have a separate adder for computing PC+4 in the
IF stage so an earlier instruction can use the ALU during its EXE stage.
   b) Control, when a branch or jump instruction causes the wrong instructions
   to be in the pipeline. One (partial) solution is to unconditionally executing
   the next instruction after a branch or jump.
   c) Data, when an instruction needs an operand whose value is being computed
   by an instruction that is still in the pipeline. A solution is to use
   register forwarding, which involves getting the operand out of a pipeline
   register instead of waiting for it to be written back to the register file.

8. n-1

9. Ignoring Jump instructions:

   IF/ID: The Instruction (32 bits) and PC+4 (32 bits)

   ID/EX: PC+4, R[rs], R[rt], Sign-extended Immediate (512 bits);
   EXE control (ALUOp, ALUSrc), MEM control (branch, MemWrite, MemRead) and WB
   control (rt, rd, RegDst, MemtoReg amd WriteReg #) control bits (another 19

   EX/MEM: ALU result, Z bit from ALU, R[rt], Branch Target Address (97 bits);
   MEM control (branch, MemWrite, MemRead); WB control (MemtoReg, Write Reg #),
   an additional 9 bits.

  MEM/WB: ALU result, Data from memory (64 bits); MemtoReg, Write Reg # (6

10. The main advantage is the possibility of a very fast clock, meaning that
instrucitons can be retired at a very high rate (high throughput). The big
disadvantage, assuming ways can be found to divide the datapath into so many
pieces, is the big penalty for branches and jumps that cause the pipleine to be

11. Static and Dynamic Random Access Memory. SRAM is faster; DRAM is more dense.
SRAM is more suitable for cache; RRAM for main memory.

12. Temporal locality refers to the fact that programs tend to execute
instructions from a small region of memory at a time; likewise, they tend
operate on data from small regions of memory at a time. The both enhance cache
performance because instructions and data brought into cache from main memory
are likely to be used repeatedly for some period of time.

13. A hit is when a memory request can be satisfied by information already in
the cache. The hit ratio is the proportion of total memory accesses that result
in cache hits. When there is a cache miss a block consisting of several words of
main memory, not just the word that was requested, are copied into cache at the
same time as the word that was requested. Because of temporal locality, these
extra words are highly likely to be accessed by the processor in the near

14. It's all hardware.

15. They are the same size. Each cache miss causes a "block" of main memory to be
copied into a "line" of cache data.

16. There has to be a tag that tells which block of main memory (if any) is
currently residing in the cache line.

17. Direct: each block of main memory has a single line in cache that it can
occupy. Set-associative: each block of main memory can be copied into one of
several cache lines. For example, a 4-way set associative design allows each
block of main memory to be copied into any of 4 different cache lines. A fully
associative cache design allows each block of main memory to be loaded into any
cache line. Direct is the same as set associative with a set size of 1; fully
associative is the same as set associative with a set size equal to the number
of lines of cache.

18. Bandwith is the rate at which information can be transferred along a
communciation channel such as a bus; it is measured in bits per second.  100ps
per transfer is a transfer rate of 10GHz; 32 bits per transfer gives a bandwidth
of 320Gb/sec = 40GB/sec for the bus between the cache and the processor in this

19. This is twice as many transfers per second and 16 times as many bits per
transfer as the previous example, so this bus will have a bandwidth that is
2^(1+4) = 32 times faster than the previous answer; 1,280 GB/sec. (Both of these
questions are using ridiculously high numbers because bus clocks speeds are
normally significantly less than 1 GHz.)

20. Seek time: average 100 tracks at 2 ms/track = 200 msec
    Rotational delay: 7200 RPM = 120 revolutions per second = 8.33 msec per
    revolution. Average is half a revolution = 4.167 msec
    Transfer time: If the bus can transfer 512MB in one second, it can transfer
    1024 bytes in 2^10/2^29 = 2^-19 sec, about 2 microseconds = 0.002 msec
    Total: 204.169 milliseconds.

21. The transfer is 1024 bytes times 1024 sectors = 2^20 bytes. The time of one
revolution is 8.33 msec, so the bandwidth has to be 2^20 bytes per .00833 sec =
125,879,472 bytes per second (125MB/sec).