CS-343 Assignment 7


This assignment is to complete your online course evaluations at apps.qc.cuny.edu/courseevaluation.


  1. Log into the course evaluation site.

    Log in to apps.qc.cuny.edu/courseevaluation

  2. Complete the evaluation process for all your courses.

    When you log in and click on “Roster,” you will see a list of your courses for this semester. To evaluate a course, click on “Evaluate” for that course.

  3. Know that you did a good thing.

    Course evaluations provide anonymous feedback to your instructors. We really do look at them to see how we can improve.

    The college uses the results of course evaluations as one of the criteria for deciding whether faculty will be tenured or promoted. Your opinion really does make a difference!

    The results of course evaluations are posted online for all students to see. (courses.qc.cuny.edu) You can help other students by letting your opinions be known. And, of course, you benefit by being able to look at the evaluations other students have completed before you.

  4. Win a prize.

    Each time you evaluate a course, you will be entered into a lottery to win a netbook; an iTouch, Nano, or Shuffle; a parking decal for the spring semester, or a food service coupon. Hey, you never know.

Submit The Assignment

I have no way to actually know whether you complete your course evaluations or not, so you can get full credit for this assignment just by saying you did it. You will also get full credit if you tell me you did not do it.

When you finish your evaluations (or not), send me an email message with your name and a statement that you did or did not complete your course evaluations. Use CS-343 Assignment 7 as the subject line. Make it look just like that to avoid my spam filters. Send the email to: vickeryatbabbage.cs.qc.cuny.edu.

Your grade for this assignment will be determined according to the following truth table:

Email says you completed your evaluations You actally did complete your evaluations Your grade for the assignment