
This exercise is to do a timing analysis of the single-cycle datapath for the MIPS processor developed in the book. For each of the instruction classes, R-type, Branch (beq and bne), Jump, and Memory (lw and sw), you are to determine how much time is required from the moment a new address is loaded into the program counter (PC) until it is safe to load the address of the next instruction.

Because the timing is different for lw and sw, they have to be analyzed separately, giving five different analyses that you will perform.

After you complete the analyses, you are to determine the maximum allowable clock frequency for the processor.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to help you to understand the course material. You can get away with handing in someone else’s work, but if you do not learn how to do the analyses yourself, you will not be able to answer exam questions about them.

The Assignment

Use the following timing parameters for your analyses:
ElementTime Delay
Wires; bit concatenation, etc.0 ps
Individual gates2 ps
Multiplexers5 ps
Control logic; ALU control30 ps
Read a new value from a single register (the PC)20 ps
Read values from the register file75 ps
Write a value into the register file75 ps
32-bit parallel adder60 ps
ALU100 ps
Read or write any memory150 ps

Here is Figure 4.24 of the textbook, marked up with letters identifying various points in the datapath:

The MIPS Single-Cycle Datapath

There are a few things to note about this figure:

Download and print a copy of the worksheet for this assignment: link to worksheet, and fill it in for the five instruction types listed. Put in the time at which each point in the datapath that is used by that instruction type would become valid. For example, R-type instructions do not use data memory, so you would not fill in values for O or U.

Draw a circle around each value that is on the critical path for that instruction type.

For tmax, put in the time at which it would be safe for the next clock pulse to occur for each type of instruction. For the PC, the register file, and data memory, assume there is no problem applying the next clock pulse to the datapath as soon as the inputs to those elements are stable. In other words, assume it is safe to overlap the actual writing to these elements with the processing of the next instruction.

Circle the maximum tmax, and then fill in the value for Fmax, the maximum clock frequency that could be used.

Submit The Assignment

Bring your completed copy of the worksheet to class on the due date.