CS-343 Assignment 8 Solutions

      A.   20 ps
      B.    0 ps
      C.  170 ps Instruction available
      D.  200 ps Instruction decoded
      E.  170 ps Read register numbers available
      F.  205 ps Write register number available (D + 5)
        E is on the critical path for all but J-type, for which D is on the critical path.
      H and R.  80 ps PC+4 available
      I.  170 ps Branch Target Address available
        J 245
        K 250 critical
        L 170
        M 200
        N 350 critical; max
        R 80
        T 205 (D + 5)
        J 245
        K 250 critical
        L 170
        M 200
        N 350 critical
        P 352 critical
        Q 230
        S 357 critical
        T 363 critical; max
        R 170
        T 205 critical; max
        J 245 critical
        K 175
        L 170
        M 200
        N 345 critcal
        U 495 critical
        G 500 critical; max
        J 245 critical
        K 175
        L 170
        M 200
        N 345 critical; max
        O 245
      max(Tmax) = 500 ps
      Fmax = 2.0 GHz