CS-343 Assignment 4

Reading Assignment

This assignment is based on material in Section 9 of Appendix C. Remember, there are problems with Figure C.9.1.

The Assignment

  1. Draw a diagram showing the inputs and outputs of a 64KB memory system. That is, show the address, data in, and data out busses and indicate how many bits each of these busses has. The other two inputs should be the write and read control inputs. The diagram I’m talking about is the left side of Figure 4.8 on page 311 of the textbook. (You can used the names for the inputs and outputs from that figure rather than the ones used in class and in the first part of this paragraph, if you like.)
  2. Draw a diagram that shows how to build a 64KB memory system using 16K×4 SRAM memory chips like the one in Figure C.9.1. Label everything clearly! This exercise was covered in class on November 2, so you will need to get someone’s notes if you missed that class.


This is a manual hand-in assignment. Draw your diagrams on a piece of paper, and hand it in during class on the due date.