CS-343 Assignment 4
Due March 8

Reading Assignment, Reference Material, and Resources

No new reading assignments: review the supplementary material on measurement, Appendix C of the textbook, the previous assignments, and your class notes in preparation for the exam on March 10.

Assignment To Hand In

Answer the following questions. You may either bring hard copy to class on the due date, or you can submit your answers in the body of and email message that has CS-343 Assignment 4 as the subject line. If you send email, you will not receive credit for an attachment: you must put your answers in the body of your email message.

  1. Write the complete equation for c2 using carry-lookahead logic. That is, the only variables you can use are c0, g0, p0, g1, and p1. (The answer is in the textbook.)
  2. Rewrite the equation for c2 using only the only variables: a0, b0, c0, a1, b1. Note that you may not use c1 in the expression.
  3. Why must you not use c1 in the previous equation?
  4. Give the sum of products value for segment 1 of a seven segment display using sigma notation. For example: segment 0 is on for the digits 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, C, E, and F, so the sum of products value for segment 0 using sigma notation would be Σ(0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15).
  5. Use a Karnaugh Map to minimize the answer to the previous question.
  6. Define arithmetic overflow for two’s complement numbers.
  7. When is the Z condition code bit true?
  8. When is the N condition code bit true?
  9. What is the bit-wise AND of 0xFFFF and 0x1234?
  10. What is the bit-wise OR of 0x1234 and 0x7DCB?
  11. What is the decimal value of the 16-bit two’s complement number 0xFFFC?
  12. What is the decimal value of the 16-bit two’s complement number 0x0064?
  13. Convert the 16-bit two’s complement number 0x89AB to the equivalent 32-bit number. Answer in hexadecimal.
  14. Convert the 16-bit two’s complement number 0x789A to the equivalent 32-bit number. Answer in hexadecimal.
  15. What is the two’s complement of 0x1234? Answer in hexadecimal.
  16. What is the two’s complment of 0xFFFF? Answer in hexadecimal.
  17. What is the decimal value of the 16-bit two’s complement number, 0xFF85?
  18. What is the decimal value of the 16-bit two’s complement number, 0x0123?
  19. Assume the slide switches are set to 011 101 1100 for Assignment 3.
    1. What is the binary value of A?
    2. What is the binary value of B?
    3. What is the binary value of A'?
    4. What is the binary value of B'?
    5. What is the binary result of ANDing A' and B'?
    6. What is the binary result of ORing A' and B'?
    7. What is the binary result of Adding A' + B' + C0
    8. What is the binary value of the SLTin inputs to the slices?
    9. What are C2 and C3?
    10. What are the names and values of the four condition code bits?
    11. What is the result output of the ALU, in binary?
  20. Draw all the gates to implement an 8×1 multiplexer. If you submit the assignment on paper, you may draw the gates as a Quartus block diagram file and print the diagram. If you submit the assignment by email, you may submit the block diagram file itself. Be sure to include the input and output pins and to name them meaningfully.