
The goal of this laboratory session is to familiarize you with the laboratory, using your account, and managing projects. It uses the pipelined multiplier handed out in class on September 13 as the project to work with.


  1. Log into your account and set up a workspace and a project.

    Log into any one of the computers in A-227 using your account name for this course, which consists of the first letter of your first name, your last name, and the digits “345” or “780”all as a single lower-case string. That is, if you are an undergraduate and your name is "Always A. Good Student", your account name is astudent345. Use the password given to you in class, and remember that you will be required to change it to something secure the first time you log in.

    The names of the computers are:


    Room 205 is an “open lab,” which means you can use the computers there any time you want. The secretaries in the CS Department Office (A-202) will open the lab for you if it is closed. Room 227 is a closed lab, available only during class times. However, all of the computers are accessible from the Internet. If you have access to a computer running Windows XP with a broadband connection, you can use Remote Desktop to log in. From the Start button, go to Programs, to Accessories, to Communications, and you will find it. When it asks you what computer you want to connect to, pick one of the names above and add the domain name “” to the computer name. For example, you would log into ginkgo by entering

    When you use Remote Desktop, select one of the computers in A-227 so that students who are on campus will be able to use the computers in A-205. The exception, of course, is when our class uses room A-227 between 5:00 and 6:15 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Use Windows Explorer to verify that your “My Documents” directory contains a directory named “My Projects.”

    Start the DK GUI and create a new workspace. Use your My Projects directory as the path to the workspace. Use cs345 or cs780 as the workspace name. This should immediately create an empty directory named cs345 in your My Projects directory.

    Add a project named Multiplier to your workspace. Select "core" as the type of project. Exit DK.

    Verify that you have created a file named cs345.hw in your My Projects\cs345 directory. [From here on, substitute “780” as necessary in these instructions.] Make sure there is a subdirectory named Multiplier, and that there is a Multiplier.hp file in the project directory.

    Log off the computer you used and log into another one.

    On the second computer, verify that your workspace and project directories and their files appear on the second computer, indicating that your “profile” (settings) were successfully copied to the domain server (maple) when you logged off the first computer and that they were then copied to the second computer when you logged into it. If you have any problems with this step, contact Dr. Vickery for help before proceeding with the remainder of the assignment.

  2. Add the multiplier.hcc file to the project, edit the multiplier code, and simulate it.