
Create four modules: main, a button manager, a display manager, and a timer manager. The main module sets the clock speed, defines global variables, and runs the three manager modules in parallel.

The job of the button manager is to maintain the states of two one-bit global variables named button1 and button2. These buttons have to be “debounced.”

The display manager copies the states of the two buttons to two LEDs and the states of two 4-bit unsigned integers named tens and units to two seven segment displays.

The timer manager uses button1 as its Run button and button2 as its Fast button. It waits for Run to go true, then it resets the tens and units global variables to 00, and while Run remains true it: waits either 0.1 or 1.0 second depending on the state of Fast, then simultaneously updates the global variables tens and units to work as a modulo 60 counter.


This assignment is an exercise in project management and an introduction to working with true parallelism. In software you can create apparently parallel threads of execution, but the degree of parallelism is limited by the number of CPU cores available to your application, typically 1-2. In hardware the parallelism is real and limited only by the amount of logic you can cram into an FPGA. If the number of CPU cores increases dramatically over the next few years as expected, your experience in parallel coding in projects like this should carry over nicely into your software development work too.

  1. Start by creating a new project in your course workspace using any meaningful name for the project you like as long as I will recognize it as your Two Digit Timer project. Eliminate all the build configurations except EDIF and Debug. For reasons that will hopefully become clear, do not specify PAL_TARGET_CLOCK_RATE in the Preprocessor tab of the project settings. You will still need the USE_SIM and USE_RC200E settings, however.
  2. Create a Handel-C source file for the main module. Use a meaningful name, such as the name of the projct, for this .hcc file. The names main.hcc and top_level.hcc also qualify as “meaningful.” You will need to include the same three header files as you used before (stdlib.hch, pal_master.hch, and delay_procs.hch), but somewhere before you include pal_master, add the following processor directives to set the clock speeds. You are doing this here because the other modules in the project will manage the clock setting differently.
    #ifdef USE_SIM #define PAL_TARGET_CLOCK_RATE 1000 #else #define PAL_TARGET_CLOCK_RATE 50000000 #endif
    Declare the global variables for the project here: two one-bit unsigned integers to hold the states of the two pushbuttons, and two four-bit unsigned integers to hold the values of the two counters. You can also define the main() function here too, but for now there is nothing for it to do:
    void main( void } { while (1) { delay; } }
    Make sure you can build the project using both build configurations, but since it doesn’t do anything yet, there is no need to test it.
  3. Create the button manager module. The real problem that we have to deal with is that the pushbuttons are mechanical devices that operate by moving a spring-loaded piece of metal to open and close an electrical circuit, and that piece of metal literally bounces on and off its contact several times for several milliseconds each time it is pressed or released. The button manager’s job is to filter out the spurious activity that follows button presses and releases. There are a few ways to do this, all of which realistically need two independent threads of execution, one for each button. (You can’t have one button be ignored because the other one is bouncing.)

    Set the button manager up as a macro proc with an endless loop in it. Inside the loop, set up three threads:

    macro proc buttonManagerRun(ClockRate) { par { while (1) { delay; } while (1) { delay; } while (1) { delay; } } }

    Of course those delay statements are just placeholders for now.

    We are going to use the following algorithm to debounce each switch:

    Do Forever: Keep reading the switch until it becomes a 1 Update the global variable for this switch to show that the button was pressed Wait ten milliseconds Keep reading the switch until it becomes 0 Update the global variable for this switch to show that the switch was released Wait ten milliseconds

    Just to make the point that concurrency is real and free, use the first thread to read from both switches on every clock cycle. Implement the above algorithm in the other two threads.

    You need to make one button, the fast/slow control level-sensitive. That is, your will change the state of the global variable to 1 when the button is pressed and change it to zero when the button is released. But the run/stop button acts as a toggle: When the button is pressed the global variable changes to the opposite of whatever state it was in. (If it was on turn it off; if it was off turn it on. In Handel-C this would be something like var = ~var.) In this case, the global variable does not change when the button is released.

    Now comes the clock management part. To compile the above code you need the standard three header files. But if PAL_TARGET_CLOCK_RATE is defined when this file is compiled, pal_master.hch will determine the actual clock rate for the platform and generate a set clock statement to activate that clock. In the end, your project will end up with multiple clocks defined, all of which are actually for the same clock signal. The project will probably build okay, but there will be all sorts of warnings that would be better not to have to deal with. Here’s the trick: in this file, define PAL_ACTUAL_CLOCK_RATE — you don’t even have to give it a value — before you include pal_master.hch. In this situation, pal_master.hch will not generate a set clock statement and the project should compile and link without problems.

    Do you see why the buttonManagerRun macro proc takes a parameter named ClockRate as an argument? You need to specify the clock rate when you call msecDelay().

    Update the main module so that it invokes buttonManagerRun() Test that you can compile and build the project. But is still does not do anything, so you still cannot be sure it is doing anything.

  4. Implement the display magager module. The display manger is very similar in structure as the button manager. The difference is that on every clock cycle it writes the values of the global variables (the two button values) and the two 4-bit variables to two LEDs and two seven segment displays. Update your main module so that it runs buttonManagerRun() and displayManagerRun() in parallel. Note that the main module does not call these run macro procs more than once. Once started, they run forever. (See sample code below.)

    When you simulate the project at this point, you should be able to verify that the two buttons control two LEDs in different ways: one LED just matches the state (clicked or not) of its button, while the other one turns on and off on alternate clicks.

  5. The last module is the timer module. The algorithm is given in the introduction. This is to be a macro proc that runs in parallel with the other two. Code it so it does everything possible in each clock cycle. That is, both the tens and units global variables get updated on each clock cycle provided the device is in the running state.

The way the design of the project has worked out, the only job the main() function has is to start the three macro procs running. There is no need for it to loop, but it must run the three macro procs in parallel because they never complete:

void main( void ) { par { displayManagerRun(ClockRate); buttonManagerRun(ClockRate); timerManagerRun(ClockRate); } }

Note that the order of the three statements inside the par block does not matter: they all run simultaneously.

Finally, make a header file for the project. Put extern macro proc xxxManagerRun(c); in the header file for each of the three macros, and include this header file in all four source code files to make sure the macro proc definitions and referneces all agree with each other.