Due Date:	September 14, 1995

		A C program which issues a message, such as "Hello, World!,"
		and the value of the environment variable, HELLO, if it
		is defined.  The program must build without any warnings
		or errors using the make command and the default Makefile
		for the course (the one that invokes g++).

		The project directory must contain one source file, the
		Makefile, and optionally an executable copy of the program.

Grading Criteria:

		This is a "check-off" exercise designed to make sure you
		comfortable using the computers and development tools
		in the laboratory.  I will simply check it off in my
		grading book when you finish it; it will not be assigned
		a grade, and you do not have to document the code or
		provide any other documentation.

Christopher Vickery
Queens College of CUNY