Grading Form for Fall '95 Assignment 2


[Are all files under SCCS control?  Can the final version of the
programs and the documentation be retrieved and built by typing "make"
in an empty project directory?  Are SCCS keywords present in all text
and executable files?  Was the project done as a sequence of steps,
each with its own delta?  Are all deltas commented meaningfully?  Is
each program divided into modules?]

	Project management is not required for this assignment.
	Instead, your report will be graded on:

	/1	Organization
	/1	Clarity of writing
	/1	Data presentation
	/1	Validity of conclusions

[Is there a man page with the same file name as the program and an
appropriate extension?  Is the man page written for the proper audience
(end users)?  Does the structure match that of Unix man pages; is the
information well organized?  Is the information presented clearly,
completely, and yet concisely?]


[Is there an introduction for each file, and does it summarize the
contents of the file clearly?  Is the author's name given in each
file?  Is each function described clearly?  Is the layout of the code
easy to read: consistent, small indents; whitespace and horizontal
lines to help make the program structure clear and to help see where
functions begin; comments introducing each step of each algorithm?
Are the variable names meaningful, with some consistency to the use
of upper/lower case and underscores?  Is the use of the C language
appropriate: no unneeded variables or loops; use of standard library
functions wherever available; efficient use of the CPU?]


[The criteria for this section vary from assignment to assignment.]

	Do the programs generate meaningful data?



Late Points:	-0.0	
Extra Features:	+0.0	


Christopher Vickery
Queens College of CUNY