Assignment 2, CS-701, Fall 1997

Object Broker Project-- Use Case 2

Use Case 2 -- om Writes a Log File

Modify Your Makefile

In order to re-build previous use cases using the COFLAGS macro, the project directory must be "clean." For example, if the wrong version of a .cc file is already present in the project directory, make will not check out the proper version because both version have the same file name and make has no way to tell the difference. You can add this rule to your Makefile so that "make clean" will leave you with a clean project directory:
      clean   :
      <tab> rcsclean
      <tab> -ci $(SRCS) $(MANS) Makefile > /dev/zero
      <tab> rm -f core *.o $(PROGS)
      <tab> -rm -i *.cc *.1 *.h
The rcsclean command causes rcs to delete any files that are checked out without locks, provided they are from the latest revision. The ci command checks any file that are locked back in. If there are no locked files, this command will fail, so the ci command is prepended with a '-', which tells make to ignore any errors that result from executing this command. The standard output for this command is redirected to /dev/zero (a pseudo-device that accepts and discards anything sent to it) to reduce screen clutter. The first rm command gets rid of files that can always be recreated if needed; the "-f" option makes the command force removal of files that are read-only without asking you if it is all right. This can be dangerous, so the last command forces rm to ask you if it is all right to delete any man pages or source files that are still in the project directory. Again, this command might fail (if there are no .cc, .1, or .h files), so the command is prepended with a '-'.

The SRCS, HDRS, MANS, and PROGS macros should be set to lists of the .cc, .h, .1 and .3, and executable files for the project, respectively.

Check in your new Makefile.

You aren't going to change ou for this use case, but you need to have copies of and ou.1 with a revision level of 2. Use the following sequence of commands:

      % co -l ou.1
      % ci -f -r2 ou.1
Check the the handout page on Using RCS for more information if this isn't clear.

You will also need a copy of Makefile with a revision level of 2, so you should create that now.

Modify om to Write a Log File

Server programs normally run as daemon processes that are not attached to a terminal, and thus cannot write to stdout. Modify your object manager so that it creates a log file in the current directory using the same name as the program (get it from argv[0]) with .log appended to it. When om starts running it writes a line to this file with the current date and time and the name of the host on which it is running.

Each time om receives a datagram, it writes it to the log file, along with a timestamp and the name of the host that it was sent from. Also, when a value is returned to a client, write that datagram to the log file too.

For example, om running on babbage might generate a log file that looks like this:

    Tue Dec  9 22:24:39 1997: Object Manager om started on host babbage
    Tue Dec  9 22:25:14 1997: Request from babbage: listClasses
    Tue Dec  9 22:25:14 1997: Reply to babbage: "alpha:beta"
    Tue Dec  9 22:25:14 1997: Request from babbage: bad command
    Tue Dec  9 22:25:14 1997: Reply to babbage: "*** invalid request ***"
    Tue Dec  9 22:26:26 1997: Request from babbage: exit normal shutdown
    Tue Dec  9 22:26:26 1997: Exiting: normal shutdown
In this example, the third line shows the names of the classes given on the om command line separated by ':', but your list might be separated by newlines. The last line was generated by in response to the exit command, but nothing was sent back to the client.

Be sure each line in the log file can be read by a user as soon as it is written. If you write to a buffered output file (by using fwrite(), printf(), or fprintf(), you will have to flush the output buffer every time you write to the file. Alternatively, you can use write() to send messages to the log file and you won't need to flush any buffers.

Help: You can get the time and date by using the time() function from the standard library, and you can convert it to text for printing by using the ctime() function. You should remove the '\n' from the end of the string returned by ctime() so that the timestamp and the name of the host are on the same line of the log file. You can get the name of the remote host by using gethostbyaddr(). Pass it the struct sockaddr that was returned by recvfrom(), and the h_name field of the struct hostent that is returned will have the string you want.

Make sure your ou works with ~vickery/bin/om_2 and that your om works with ~vickery/bin/ou_2

When you finish making changes to, check it in as revision 2:

      ci -r2


Modify your man page for om so it reflects the changes you made to the program. Create a man page for ou with a revision number of 2 even if you made no changes to it.
Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department, Queens College of CUNY