Assignment 2, CS-701, Fall 1997

Object Broker Project-- Use Case 4

Use Case 4 -- ob and om Communicate

Changes to om

Now we modify om so that it interacts with ob instead of ou. Before entering the endless loop to receive requests, om writes a "hello" request to ob. If ob does not respond, om exits. Otherwise, it writes the hostname for ob in a logfile message, such as "Communicating with object broker running on jaguar."

Whenever om exits, it first writes a "good-bye" request to ob.

Optional: Make om handle SIGINT the same way as an "exit" request.

Except for sending "hello" and "good-bye" requests to ob, om for this case is basically the same as it was for Use Case 2a. The one thing that changes is that om no longer binds its socket to a particular port number. The kernel will assign a port number when the socket is first written to (when om sends the "hello" request), and the ob learns what that port number is when it receives the "hello" request from om.

Changes to ob

Now ob maintains a list of currently active object managers. This list is updated as ob receives "hello" and "good-bye" requests from om programs. (You can also use ou to trick ob because the present design of ou does not check what the user types.)

When the user sends a "shutdown" request to ob, it sends "exit" requests to all currently active om programs.

Here is a summary of how ob responds to requests for this use case:

hello Anything "Hello acknowledged" Write a message to the log file that includes a unique name for the program that sent the request. Add the unique name to a list of "registered object managers."
good-bye Anything "Good-bye acknowledged" Remove the sender's unique name from the list of registered object managers.
list Anything If the Argument list is the token, "managers," a string containing the names of all registered object managers. Otherwise, a string saying like the one returned for Use Case 3. Depends on the Argument List
shutdown Anything Nothing Send an "exit" request to each om on the list of registered object managers. Write a message to the log file that includes the Argument List as part of the message, then exit ob.

There are three different changes you are making to ob for this use case:

  1. Update the list of registered object managers in response to "hello" and "good-bye" requests.
  2. Return the list of registered object managers in response to "list managers" requests.
  3. Send "exit" requests to registered object managers in response to "shutdown" requests.
I recommend that you implement and test each of these three changes separately. If you try to do them all at once, it will be too hard to debug problems that come up because there will be too much new code to keep track of. Initially, the list can be just a list of names, and you can examine it using gdb or ddd as ob runs. Then you can implement the "list managers" request. Finally, augment the list so that it has both the name and sockaddr_in struct for each manager, and use the sockaddr_in struct for sending "exit" requests to the registered managers.


It's important to test your programs carefully. There are three types of conditions you need to test, and your should test them in the order listed here: (1) Normal input. Assume all three programs and the user behave as expected, and be sure they interact properly. (2) Boundary conditions. Check that the programs work correctly when inputs on internal conditions are an the ends of their allowable range. For example, what if the use asks for the list of managers when the list is empty? What happens if all the managers send "good-bye" requests, and then a new manager sends another "hello" request? (3) Error conditions. What if the user enters an invalid request type, or too few or too many arguments on the command line? What if the ob receives a "good-bye" request from a program that is not on the list of registered object managers?

Concentrate your effort on testing on the boundary conditions to be sure your programs are as robust as possible.

Testing ob's List Management

There is a logical problem in testing this use case. There is no way to cause an om to exit except by shutting down the ob, which means there is no way to be sure that ob manages deletions from its list of managers correctly. You can't use ou to send a good-bye message on behalf of a manager because each invocation of ou gets a different port number, so there is no way to generate the same unique host:port combination that ob uses to identify managers.

You can use ~vickery/bin/om_4 to do this test in either of two ways. First, my om_4 implements the feature of sending a "good-bye" message when it receives a SIGINT. Also, if you set the environment variable OM_TIMEOUT to a non-zero numerical value, the program will exit any time it waits that many seconds without receiving any datagrams.


Update your man pages for ou, ob, and om.
Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department, Queens College of CUNY