Assignment 2, CS-701, Fall 1997

Object Broker Project-- Use Case 5

Use Case 5 -- ou and om Communicate Through ob

Changes to ou

None. Just be sure your ou can pass a request with three tokens to ob and display whatever comes back. For this case, the user may type requests with the following syntax on the command line:

      % ou <broker> [port] list classes <manager>
The scenario is that the user will use a "list managers" request to find out what om programs are available, and then will use a "list classes" request to find out what classes are being managed by a particular om.

Changes to om

None. This version of om behaves the same as the one for Use Case 4.

Changes to ob

Now ob must recognize both "list managers" and "list classes" requests. In the case of "list classes" the ob sends a "listClasses" request to the appropriate om, receives a reply from the om and sends that reply back unchanged as its own reply to ou.


Update your man page for ou to document the new command line option and the man page for ob to document the new request type.
Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department, Queens College of CUNY