
      //  $Id: qserver.cc,v 1.3 2002/03/31 06:25:00 vickery Exp $
       *      This is the server's main module for the qrsh project
       *      developed in CS-701 Spring 2002.
       *      C. Vickery
       *  $Log: qserver.cc,v $
       *  Revision 1.3  2002/03/31 06:25:00  vickery
       *  Added a check for dangling command line options.
       *  Revision 1.2  2002/03/28 19:57:04  vickery
       *  Added support for SIGTERM as well as SIGINT.  This code now
       *  implements Assignment 3.
       *  Revision 1.1  2002/03/23 04:56:33  vickery
       *  Initial revision
      #include "qserver.h"
      #include <getopt.h>
      #include <limits.h>
      #include <signal.h>
      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <sys/socket.h>
      #include <netinet/in.h>
      #include <netdb.h>
      static const int    BACKLOG       = 5;
      static const int    MAX_HOST_NAME = 256;
      static const char*  VERSION       = "$Revision: 1.3 $";
      //  Command line options
      //  -----------------------------------------------------------------
      static const char* usageMsg = "Usage: qserver [options]n"
        "  Options:n"
        "   -p --port <number>  Port number          (default is 0x8000)n"
        "   -l --logfile <file> Log file name (default is ./qserver.log)n"
        "   -o --overwrite      Overwrite logfile (default is to append)n"
        "   -v --version        Display version number, and exitn"
        "   -h --help           Display this message, and exitn";
      static  const   char*   short_options = "p:l:ovh?";
      static  struct  option  long_options[] =
        { "port",       required_argument,  0,  'p' },
        { "logfile",    required_argument,  0,  'l' },
        { "overwrite",  no_argument,        0,  'o' },
        { "version",    no_argument,        0,  'v' },
        { "help",       no_argument,        0,  'h' },
        { 0,            0,                  0,  0   },
      //  signal_handler()
      //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
       *    Invoke do_exit() when a signal arrives.
      signal_handler( int signum )
        exit( -1 );
      //  do_exit()
      //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
       *    Called when a signal arrives or on normal exit.
       *    Do orderly shutdown of server.
      do_exit( int code, char *reason )
        if ( -1 == code )
          closeLog( "Signal Received" );
          closeLog( reason );
      //  main()
      //  ------------------------------------------------------------------
       *    Process command line arguments, open a log file, become a
       *    daemon, accept connections from clients, and for a process for
       *    each client.
       *  Arguments
       *    The standard arguments to main().
      main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] )
        //  Process command line options
        int     wellKnownPort = 0x8000;
        char    logfilePath[ PATH_MAX ];
        bool    overwriteLogfile = false;
        //  Specify directory for logfile if not given
        if ( (*argv[0] != '.') && (*argv[0] != '/') )
          strcpy( logfilePath, "./" );
          strcpy( logfilePath, "" );
        strcat( logfilePath, argv[0] );
        strcat( logfilePath, ".log" );
        int     c;
        while ( -1 != 
            ( c = getopt_long( argc, 
                                long_options, 0 ) ) )
          switch ( c )
            case 'p':
              wellKnownPort = strtol( optarg, 0, 0);
              if ( ( wellKnownPort < 0 ) ||
                   ( (wellKnownPort < 1024) && (geteuid() != 0) ) )
                fprintf( stderr, "Bad port number: %sn", optarg );
                exit( 1 );
            case 'l':
              strncpy( logfilePath, optarg, sizeof( logfilePath ) -1 );
            case 'o':
              overwriteLogfile = true;
            case 'v':
              printf( "%s: %sn", argv[0], VERSION );
              exit( 0 );
            case '?':
            case 'h':
              fprintf( stderr, usageMsg );
              exit( 1 );
        //  Check for dangling command line options.
        if ( optind < argc )
          fprintf( stderr, "unexpected value: %sn", argv[ optind ] );
          fprintf( stderr, usageMsg );
          exit( 1 );
      #ifdef DEBUG
        printf( "Logfile: %s (%s)n"
                "Port:    0x%04X (%d)n",
                  logfilePath, (overwriteLogfile ? "overwrite" : "append" ),
                  wellKnownPort, wellKnownPort );
        //  Create and bind this server's well-known socket
        //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
        char    thisHostName[MAX_HOST_NAME];
        struct  hostent   *hp;
        int     server_fd, client_fd;
        struct  sockaddr_in server_sockaddr, client_sockaddr;
        //  Get local host's name and IP address
        if ( gethostname( thisHostName, MAX_HOST_NAME ) < 0) 
          perror( "gethostname" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if ((hp = gethostbyname(thisHostName)) == NULL)
          fprintf(  stderr,
                    "qserver: cannot get local host informationn" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        //  Initialize local sockaddr struct.
        memset( &server_sockaddr, 0, sizeof( server_sockaddr ) );
        server_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        memcpy( &server_sockaddr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length );
        server_sockaddr.sin_port = htons( wellKnownPort );
        //  Create and bind the well-known socket
        if ((server_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
          perror( "socket" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        if ( bind(  server_fd, 
                    (struct sockaddr *) &server_sockaddr, 
                    sizeof server_sockaddr) < 0)
          perror( "bind" );
          exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
        listen( server_fd, BACKLOG );
        //  Log startup message.
        char msgBuf[ 256 ];
        sprintf(  msgBuf, 
                  "qserver pid %d listening on %s port 0x%04X",
                  getpid(), thisHostName, wellKnownPort );
        openLog( logfilePath, msgBuf, overwriteLogfile );
        //  Set up exit processing
        on_exit( do_exit, (char *) "Normal Exit" );
        signal( SIGINT, signal_handler );
        signal( SIGTERM, signal_handler );
        //  Event Loop
        //  ----------------------------------------------------------------
        while ( true )
          //  Accept a connection
          socklen_t saSize = sizeof client_sockaddr;
          client_fd = accept( server_fd, 
                          (struct sockaddr *) &client_sockaddr, &saSize );
          if (client_fd < 0)
            perror( "accept" );
            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
          //  Log the connection
          hp = gethostbyaddr( (const char *)&client_sockaddr.sin_addr, 
              4, AF_INET );
          writeLog( "CONNECT", hp->h_name );
          //  Read from the connection until it closes or a shutdown message
          //  ( SHUT ) is received.
          char inBuf[8192];
          while ( true )
            int bytesRead = read( client_fd, &inBuf, sizeof( inBuf ) );
            if ( 0 == bytesRead )
              //  Client closed the socket
              writeLog( "DISCONNECT", hp->h_name );
              close( client_fd );
              //  Write the message to the log file and check for SHUT
              inBuf[ bytesRead ] = '0';
              writeLog( "TESTING", inBuf );
              if ( 0 == strcmp( inBuf, "SHUT" ) )
                exit( 0 );