CS-701 Assignment 1

Due: January 29, 2003

Your first assignment is to send an email message to me at vickery@qc.edu. The message must contain "CS-701" in the subject line, and the body of the message must contain your name, your student ID number, the user id you would like to use for your computer accounts for this course, and a "code word" to be used for accessing your grades for the course.

Your user id is the name you want to use when you log into the course. The unix convention is to use just your initials because it is easy to type, but your full name is fine. Or, if you prefer, you can use the same user name as your account on forbin.

The code word can be anything you like, but don't send me a real password. (You should never send anyone a real password, not even a professor!) Make it secure enough so that it will keep other people from guessing it to see what your grades in the course are. Keep it shorter than 12 characters, and don't put any spaces in it. It will be case-sensitive: whatever you send me will be exactly what you will have to enter to be able to access your grades online.

The message must come from your own email account. I will build a mailing list for the course using this email address, and I will send announcements and other messages to everyone on the list at various points throughout the semester. I will also use this email address for returning graded homework assignments to you.

If you have more than one email address you would like me to use for this mailing list, you may send me multiple messages. Each one must come from the email address thay you want me to use, each one must say "CS-701" in the subject line, and each one must have your name and student ID number in the body. Exactly one message should contain your code word, and the other ones must say "Additional email address."

If any of your email addresses change during the semester or if you forget your code word, send me another message like the one for this assignment so I can update my records.