Debugging with gdb/ddd


Despite our best efforts to make our programming errors as early in the program generation cycle as possible (so we can get syntax errors from the compiler, or at least unresolved symbol errors from the linker), some bugs are bound to lurk in the background until we test our executable code. With some care, we can design our testing to help pinpoint bugs, but eventually we can be pretty certain the time will come for serious debugging.

There are two basic approaches to debugging: instrumenting the code, and using an interactive debugger. One way to instrument C and C++ programs is to use the assert() facility that is defined (as a macro that calls a library function) in the assert.h header file. You pass one argument to assert, an expression that must evaluate to a value of true or false. If the expression is false when the reference to assert() is called, the program is aborted with an error message that tells the expression that failed, the file in which the error occurred, and the line number within the file of the assert() call. The idea is that you make assertions that must be true for your program to operate correctly. If an assertion fails, you know you have a bug and exactly where it occurred. An especially attractive feature of using assert() is that you can effectively remove all assert() calls from your code without having to edit the source files. (Editing a file always seems to make working programs stop working. That's why you write the comments as you write your code rather than adding them after the program "works.") If you define the preprocessor symbol, NDEBUG when you compile your code, all references to assert() are removed by the preprocessor before passing the code on to the compiler. The usual way to accomplish this is to use the -DNDEBUG option on the g++ command line.

The problem with using assert() is that you have to anticipate a bug in order to decide where to put in the assertions. More often you find that a program doesn't work and have to locate the error without the help of assert() calls because you didn't anticipate the bug in the first place. (Assert() is good when one person writes some code that will be used by other programmers' code. The first programmer inserts assert()s to check function preconditions so that the other programmers must pass parameter values that are in the proper range, for example.)

When you have to instrument your code in order to track down a bug, the general strategy is to insert output (print) statements that show the values of key variables at various points in the execution of the program. Seeing which output statements get printed helps trace the flow of the program, and seeing the values of variables can help locate the same kind of problems that assert() does. The problem with adding output statements to code is that you have to edit your code to put them in and then again after all the debugging is done, to take them out again. As mentioned above, editing a source file is a prime way to introduce bugs into your code. (When you think about it, it's the only way to introduce bugs!). A much better alternative is to use an interactive debugger, which is the topic of this document.

To use an interactive debugger, you must use a compiler switch (-g) with g++ to tell the compiler to put debugging information in the object module that it produces. This debugging information is in its own special section of the object module, and is simply discarded by the system's program loader when the program is run without the debugger. But if you run the program using the debugger, this information allows the debugger to show you the source code for each statement as it is executed, and to examine or modify the variables in your program as it executes.

Note that optimizing compilers may rearrange parts of your program so that the statements you wrote into your code might execute in a different sequence from the way you wrote them, and some statements might even get eliminated completely. For this reason it is best not to use any optimization options while your code is under development.

Using gdb

The gdb debugger from the Free Software Foundation in many ways sets the standard for interactive debuggers because of its rich set of powerful features. At the same time it can be very useful if you learn just the few commands given here. For more information, consult the man page. There is a man page for gdb, but the "official" documentation is in the info system. Type "info gdb" to access that material. (If you type just "info" you can see what other GNU commands we have documentation for.)

Start gdb from the command line by typing the command "gdb <file>" where <file> is the name of the file you want to debug. The next thing you will see (after some messages) is an asterisk prompt from gdb when it is ready for you to type a command. The first command you type will probably be "b main" which tells gdb to set a breakpoint at the beginning of your main() function. A breakpoint is a place in your program where you want it to stop executing so that you can see what is going on. In this case, you want to run your program at full speed until it gets past the initialization code that makes the call to main(). The command to start the program running is just "r" (which stands for "run"). If your program processes command line arguments (using argc and argv), you enter the arguments you want to use on the run command line, and gdb will pass them on to your main() function.

So now your program has started running, and stopped at main(), with gdb issuing its asterisk prompt for you to enter more commands. The first two commands you will probably want to try are "s" (step) and "n" (next). Both cause one statement of your program to execute; the difference is that step steps into function references, and next steps over them as if a function reference was just an expression being evaluated. To single-step through your program, you need to keep repeating n (or s) commands; gdb lets you use the <Enter> key to repeat the last command you typed without actually retyping the command itself. (This may seem trivial, but it reduces the number of keystrokes by 50%!)

If you step into a function and want the program to run at full speed until the function returns to its caller, you can use the "fin" (finish) command to do that.

If you want to set more breakpoints, you may do so at any time. In addition to function names, you can use source code line numbers to tell where you want to set a breakpoint. (Use the "l" command to list your program with line numbers.) Once you have a breakpoint set, you can use the "c" (continue) command to let the program run at full speed until it reaches a breakpoint, aborts, or exits. You can have as many breakpoints set as you wish.

To look at the value of a variable, use the "p" (print) command. You can use * and & to follow pointers and to see addresses, and you can use standard C/C++ syntax to look at parts of arrays or structures. If you have an array called x and an int called i, you can type "p x[i]" to see the value of that element of the array, for example.

A particularly nice feature of gdb is that it can be used to do what is called "post-mortem" debugging. If you run a program and it crashes (usually with an obscure message, like "segmentation violation"), there will be a file named "core" produced containing an image of memory at the time the program crashed. (On Linux systems you might need to execute the statement "ulimit -c unlimited" to get core files; you might put it in your ~/.profile.) You can then invoke gdb (with no command line argument), and type the command "core core" in response to the asterisk prompt. At this point you will probably issue the "bt" (back trace) or "where" command, which will tell you exactly where your program was executing when it aborted, and what the entire function calling sequence was that got you from main() to where your program died. If your program died in a library function (probably because you passed it a parameter with a bad value), you can use the "up" command to move up the back trace stack until you get to the point in your own code where the problem occurred.

The bt command is also great if you use the c or r command, but your program aborts before it reaches a breakpoint or exits.

That's it. That's enough of gdb to make it a productive tool for you to use. You still need two more commands, though. One is "h" (help) to access the builtin help system, and the other is "q" (quit) to exit the program.

Using ddd

The Dynamic Display Debugger, ddd, provides a graphical user interface to gdb, and comes to us from the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. When you start ddd from the command line (usually with a file to be debugged as the command line argument), the first thing you will see is a gdb command line window, and you can use gdb as described above in that window. (How exciting.)

However, there will be another window that will show the source code for your program, starting at main(). (This is better than having to use the "l" command to list little snippits of your code, but still not really exciting ...) There is also a little floating toolbar window with buttons for the gdb commands described above, as well as several others. To set your breakpoint in main(), click on the function name in the source code window (it will highlight), and click on the red Break button in the little toolbar window. Click on "Run" to run the program.

OK, now for the good part. First, click on the name of a variable in the source code window, and click on the "Print()" button at the bottom of that same window. You will see the "p" command to print the variable entered for you in the gdb console window, along with the result. But the real beauty of ddd appears when you click on pointer, array, or structure variable and then click on the "Display()" button. A new window (the "Program Data" window) comes up that gives you a graphical display of your data. If a datum is a pointer, you can click on the "Display*()" button of the Program Data window to follow the pointer: you'll see a box containing the name of the pointer variable, its address, and an arrow pointing to a second box that contains information about the memory location pointed to by the pointer variable. The data values in the Program Data window are updated every time you step through a line of code.

The graphical display can be as complex as your data structures. You can display as many different data items at the same time as you wish, and you can rearrange the layout of the graphical display to suit your preferences. Experiment with it to get a full appreciation for how useful it is.

There is an option to have the Program Data, the source code, and the gdb console windows put into a single window frame, and you can adjust their relative sizes within the frame. I find this useful on a workstation with a large screen, but the separate windows are more convenient on a smaller screen. You can set your prefereneces from the Options menu that appears in each of the three main windows. Don't forget to save your options using the option of that name so your preferences will still be in effect the next time you start ddd.

The man page for ddd is 50 pages long (!), so you can imagine that this is a very powerful tool. What's nice about it is that, like gdb, you need to learn only a little bit about it to start using it effectively.

Exit ddd from the File menu's Quit choice (or type Alt-Q).

Dr. Christopher Vickery
Computer Science Department
Queens College of CUNY
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