CSCI 903 Assignment 1


Your first assignment is to create a web page that meets the requirements common to all assignments for the course: it must use the XHTML serialized version of HTML 5, it must use CSS-3 to manage the appearance of the page, and it must include links at the bottom of the page which, when clicked, verifiy that the page passes W3C validation for both XHTML and CSS-3 with no errors, and only the unavoidable warning that the XHTML validator itself is experimental.

Your page is to consist of an h1 element followed by 10-20 paragraphs filled with dummy Latin text. There are a number of sites on line that will generate dummy Latin text for you to use: one is

Here is the code to use for linking to the W3C validators (copied from the code at the bottom of this page!):

<footer> <a href="">XHTML</a> — <a href="">CSS</a> </footer>

Style Sheet

Set up a separate style sheet for your web page. You may format the heading and paragraphs any way you like (or not at all), but you must include CSS code that makes the text in each paragraph change to red when the user’s mouse hovers over it, except for the fourth paragraph, which must change to blue. Your HTML code may contain no class or id attributes and no embedded CSS code.

We will go over more details on how to complete the assignment in class on January 31.

The assignment is due by midnight on February 5. To submit this assignment, email me a zip file containing your HTML and CSS documents.

Do not submit the assignment until you have tested it to be sure the validation links work successfully and the mouse behavior operates as specified.