CS-343 Computer Organization

Spring 2003
Dr. Vickery

Course Administration

Click on the link above for information about the textbook for the course, how grades will be computed, the policy on homework, etc.

Check Grades

Click one of the links below to see what grades I have recorded for you so far this term. You need to send me a "code word" to access your grades. See Homework Assignment 1 for details.

Grades become permanent two weeks after they are posted, so be sure to check your grades regularly to be sure there haven't been any mistakes.

Course Schedule

This is the second semester CS-343 is being offered. Initially, the table below shows what material I covered in the course last semester, which you may use to get an idea of what we will be doing this term. Sections with a green background are accurate, but sections with a red background are tentative or incomplete. I will change the background colors as the semester progresses and the table is updated.

Date Topics Assignments
1 January 27 Course Introduction; Units of Measure. Memorize:
  Units of Measure
  Powers of Two

Review Appendix A through section A.10.
2 January 29 Encoding audio information in binary.
  • Sound Pressure Level as a function of time.
  • Transducer (microphone) converts SPL to analog voltage.
  • Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) converts analog voltage to binary numbers. Sampling rate determines maximum frequency captured; bits per sample determines accuracy of SPL recording.
  • Recreate sound by sending samples to a Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) and transducer (speaker).
  • Run the Audio Sampling Laboratory to help you visualize the effects of the sampling rate and bits per sample. Just download the file and double-click it to run it. (You must have Java installed.) Let me know if you you would like to extend the program to generate the actual sounds!

Encoding visual information in binary: CRT images.
  • 2D canvas of light colors and intensities.
  • Phosphors: compounds that emit light in response to energy from an electron beam. Color (wavelength) and persistence depend on the compound; brightness depends on the intensity of the electron beam.
  • Pixel: A triad of three phosphor dots that emit red, green, and blue light (primary colors). Three electron beams strike the three dots simultaneously with independently controlled intensities. At normal viewing distances, the three dots blend into a single point of light.
  • Resolution: Number of columns and rows of pixels. US television is 350 scan lines with 460 pixels per line; lowest standard computer monitor is 480 scan lines with 640 pixels per line.
  • Refresh cycle: Electron beams scan all rows from top to bottom, each row from left to right. Television refresh rate is 30 frames per second interlaced (only half the lines are traced on each refresh cycle); computer monitors use refresh rates in the 60-80 Hz range using progressive scan (all lines are refreshed on each cycle).
  • Frame buffer: The memory that holds the binary values for each pixel. For each pixel, three binary numbers are read from the frame buffer and passed through DACs to control the intensities of the three electron beams.

Review of Digital Logic Fundamentals: Propagation delay (the time it takes a gate's output to change in response to changed value(s) at its input(s)). Fan-in (the number of inputs to a gate). Fan-out (the maximum number of loads to which an output may be connected while guaranteeing that the voltage on the output wire will not fall into the noise margin range. Truth tables, minterms, and constructing a sum of products network from a truth table.
Read Section A.11
Assignment 1 Due
3 February 3 Algebraic and Karnaugh Map minimization of combinational networks. Gate-input count as a measure of network complexity. Combinational building blocks: full-adder, parallel adder, carry-lookahead logic. Read Appendix B, pages 501-508 (minimization)
Review pages 469-470 (ripple-carry adder)
Review Section 3.5.1, pages 76-78 (carry-lookahead logic)
4 February 5 Carry Lookahead Logic continued; decoders and multiplexors.
Sequential vs Combinational Logic
Read Sections A.12 and A.13
Assignment 2 Due
Assignment 2 Solutions
5 February 10 Unclocked and clocked Latches.
Finite State Machine Models.
Read Sections A.14 and A.15
Download and experiment with the Earle Latch.
  February 12 No Class (Lincoln's Birthday)
  February 17 No Class (President's Day)
6 February 19 Level-sensitive and edge-sensitive circuits. Read / Review pages 99 through 120
Assignment 3 Due
Assignment 3 Solutions
7 February 24 Flip-flop design: D, S-R, J-K, and T flip-flops.
Characteristic and Excitation Tables.
State diagram, State encoding (full-encoded or "one-hot").
Mapping state names to state flip-flop values.
8 February 26 State Table: External Inputs; Present State; Next State; State Flip-flop Inputs; External Outputs. Use excitation table to determine flip-flop inputs.
Counter design using T flip-flops.
Timer design using counter and controller. Designing the controller as a FSM.
9 March 3 FSM controllers and sequence detectors. Read Chapter 6
Assignment 4 Due
Assignment 4 Help
Assignment 4 Solutions
10 March 5 *** First Exam ***
11 March 10 Central Processing Units: The fetch-execute cycle. Instruction Set Architectures: RISC/CISC. The ARC ISA: Registers; memory addressing.  
12 March 12 ARC ISA: Instruction encoding. ARC assembly language. High Level Language translation to assembly language. Call and arithmetic instruction encoding, including immediate operands.  
13 March 17 Memory operations: load and store. Effective address (EA) calculations. Branch instructions; target address (TA) calculations using PC-relative addressing. Begin review of two's complement encoding.  
14 March 19 Two's Complement review: Negative weight of sign bit; sign extension; conecting Simm13 field to the B bus. Design of one bit of an ALU that can do add, subtract, bitwise and, and bitwise or operations; using a multiplexor to select the result after performing all operations. Subtraction by complementing minuend and adding. Condition code logic, including overflow detection by comparing Cin and Cout of the sign bit. Lookup Table (LUT) implementation of an ALU bit slice. Assignment 5 Due
15 March 24 Datapath and Controller interactions: control signals and feedback. ARC CPU interface to memory: A Bus always supplies the address bits; B Bus supplies data when writing; C Bus receives data when reading. C Bus receives ALU Result or Memory Data, depending on the setting of the "Read" control signal. Register File design: Connections between the C Bus and flip-flop Rij (register i bit j).  
  March 26 *** Last Day to Drop ***
16 March 26 ARC Register File Design: A, B, and C Bus Decoders. Tristate gates. Implementing a distributed multiplexor using a decoder and tristate buffers. Two sources of inputs to the bus decoders: the RD, RS1, and RS2 fields of the IR or internal Control Unit Logic. Assignment 6 Due
17 March 31 Hardwired Control Unit Design: Decoding states and Instruction Register fields; FSM for fetching and executing ld and st instructions. Class Notes
18 April 2 Review ARC Register File design and control: C Bus Mux, C Mux, C Decoder, A Mux, A Decoder, B Mux, B Decoder, flip-flops, AND gates, tristate buffers. ALU function codes. Barrel shifter implementation using multiplexors. Leftmost 27 bits of microinstructions generate the 24 control signals to the datapath and memory, analogous to the outputs listed below the horizontal line inside a state circle of a Moore state diagram or the "External Outputs" columns of a state table. Rightmost 14 bits of microinstructions select the next microinstruction to process, analogous to the logic associated with the arcs going from circle to circle in a state diagram, or the "Next State" columns of a state table. Assignment 7 Due
19 April 7 ARC Control Word Sequences for ISA Fetch-execute cycle.  
20 April 9 *** Exam 2 ***
21 April 14 Memory Hierachy (Registers, L1 cache, L2 cache, main memory, disk.) Frontside and Backside Busses. Read Chapter 7 through page 268
22 April 15
Constructing an MxN memory system from mxn RAM ICs. IC, RAM, ROM, volatile.  
  April 16-24 Spring Break
23 April 28 ROM. Programmable Logic Devices: Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs) have fuse matrices between inputs/inverters and AND gates and between AND gates and OR gates. Programmable Array Logics (PALs) are commonly used and have a fuse matrix only between the inputs/inverters and the AND gates. Programmable Read Only Memories (PROMs) are made from a decoder and a fuse matrix between the AND gates and the OR gates. EPROMS, EEPROMS, and Flash.  
24 April 30 FPGAs; Software tools for FPGA development (demo). Cache: L2 read operation. Assignment 8 Due
25 May 5 Cache Design  
26 May 7 Direct, Associative, and Set-Associative caches.
Backside, Frontside, and System Busses. Device Controllers.
Read Chapter 8 through page 313.
Assignment 9 Due
27 May 12 Bus Bandwidth (3 factors). Bus hierarchy and bus bridges. Memory Mapped I/O compared to Separate I/O address space. Device Controller functions.  
28 May 14 Polled and Interrupt Driven I/O with a UART device controller. Optional Extra Credit Assignment Due
UART Handout
  May 16-22 *** Final Exam ***

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