Due Date:	October 5, 1995


		Two programs; man pages for both; a report.  Source code
		for the two programs, the two man pages, the report, and
		the Makefile for the project are to be delivered in a
		project directory whose pathname you will email to me when
		the project is ready for grading.

		The first program is a tool that can be used to determine
		how long it takes:

			To use a macro to increment an int variable.
			To use a macro to increment a float variable.
			To use a function to increment an int variable.
			To use a function to increment a float variable.

		Since these operations execute quickly, the program is to
		take a command line argument that tells how many times
		to perform each operation.  It then does each operation
		the required number of times and displays the time per
		operation for each.  The program will have to determine
		the execution time for a loop that does nothing in order
		to calculate the time required for the operations listed
		above.  Use the times() system call to determine the time
		it takes to perform the computations.

		The second program is much like the first, except that
		it determines the time it takes to read bytes into
		memory using the following algorithms:

			Use fgetc() to read characters, one at a time.
			Use read() to read characters, 1, 16, 256, 4096,
			or 65536 bytes at a time.

		Create a text file approximately 1 MB in size to use as
		input for this program.  This program is to give the
		system and user times for each algorithm.  The program
		must take an optional command line argument that tells
		the name of the data file to be read.  If no command line
		argument is given, the program is to use the value of
		the environment variable TEST_FILE as the name of the
		data file; if there is no command line argument and
		and TEST_FILE is not set, the program should try to use
		some default file name of your choosing.  The program
		is to display the name and size of the test file before
		displaying the results of the program.

		The man pages for these two programs are to have the same
		names as the programs, with an extension of ".1" instead
		of ".c" (be sure to use good "Unix-style" program names).
		These man pages are to be formatted to look like read man
		pages; they are to be plain ASCII text files.

		The report is to be written as a research report containing
		the following sections:

			Tell what questions the experiments were designed
			to answer.

			Tell what experiments you did to answer the
			questions described in the Introduction.  Tell
			what tools you used to do the experiments (the
			two programs), but do not describe the internal
			logic of the programs; just tell how they were

			Tell what data you obtained.  You should include
			tables that summarize the data in an easy to
			read format.

			Tell what conclusions can be drawn from your
			results about the time it takes to execute
			macros, functions, and system calls.

		NOTE:  Each section, including the Results, is to be
		written using complete, grammically correct
		paragraphs.  In the Results section your written material
		is to guide the reader in understanding the tabular data;
		some of the key data values might be mentioned, but do
		not repeat all the values in the text.

Grading Criteria:

		There is a standard grading form for projects in this
		course, and there is an expanded copy that describes
		details about the grading of this project in particular.

		Follow the coding guidelines listed below for documenting
		your programs.

Christopher Vickery
Queens College of CUNY