CS-701 Software Design

Section E4MBA (2831) - Dr. Vickery

Spring 2003

Course Administration

Class Meetings

The class meets in Science Building room B-137 from 5:00 to 6:15 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Office Hours

Most office hour business can be handled by email. My address is vickery@qc.edu. Be sure to include "CS-701" in the subject line of every message you send me, and be sure to include your name in the body of each message.

If you want to see me in person, I will be available in my office, Science Building room A-222, for half an hour before each class.


There are two required textbooks for the course:

Stevens, W. Richard
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment
Addison-Wesley, 1992
ISBN 0-201-56317-7

Harbison, S. P. and Steele, G. L. Jr.
C: A Reference Manual, Fifth Edition
Prentice Hall, 1995
ISBN 0-13-0895929-X

There is one recommended reference book for the course:

Das, Sumitabha
Your UNIX: The Ultimate Guide
McGraw-Hill, 2001
ISBN 0-07-240500-7

Assignments and Exams

Exam and assignment dates are given on the Course Schedule web page.

Check Your Grades

You can check the scores I have recorded for your homework and exams at the Check Grades web page. To use this facility, you will need to supply a "codeword," which you will supply to me as part of your first homework assignment.

Grades become permanent and cannot be changed two weeks after they are posted, so be sure to monitor your grades regularly to be sure they are recorded correctly.

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