
This is an extra-credit assignment: it is not required.

This assignment is to use Quartus and a DE1 kit to implement the Finite State Machine you designed for Assignment 3.

Project Description

Create a directory named Assignment_04 under your My Projects directory in the lab. You may use the testbed I provided for Assignment 2 and delete the parts you don’t need, or you can create your own testbed. Create a schematic symbol for the finite state machine, using a meaningful name, such as “Up-Down Counter”. The inputs to this device are to be the clock and the two external inputs, Up and Count. The outputs are to be the four external outputs: LED_0, LED_1, LED_2, and LED_3.

Connect Key[0] to the clock input of your testbed (which in turn connects to the clock input of the device under test (“DUT”)); connect Switch[9] to the Count input of the DUT, and connect Switch[0] to the Up input of the DUT. Connect the four LED outputs to the four right-most green LEDs of the DE1.

Submit the Assignment

Test your circuit carefully, and when it is ready, send me an email message telling me it is ready for me to review. I will get a copy of your project from your account on the lab server(maple), so there is no need to tell me which computer you were working on. Just tell me that the project is ready for me to look at.

Send your email to me by midnight of the due date. My email address is: vickery at

You must use exactly this Subject line for your email to be sure I actually receive it: CS-343 Assignment 4. (Include the "CS-343" part in the subject line of all messages you send to me this semester.)

If you do not receive an “OK, I’ll check it out!” reply from me within a day or two of submitting the assignment, it means I did not receive it. But I will be sending that acknowledgement manually, so don’t resubmit the assignment until I have had a chance to reply to the first one.